Vlnirersttg of toronto 
                                      TORONTO 5. CANADA 
                                                       February 22, 1933

             Aldo Leopold Esq. 
             905 University Avenue 
             Dear Mr. Leopold; 
                              For your information I am sending under separate

             cover copies fo the questionnaires used by the Royal Ontario

             Museum of Zeology this year. Included also is a popular prelimi-

             nary report issued last spring. 
                   Your work interests me keenly. I am myself a forestry

             graduate working in zoology. 
                  I should appreciate it greatly if you would be kind enough

              to send me separates of the following papers in such cases
              you can spare me one. These are for my own library and I should

              value your signature on them. 
                 1. Jour. Forestry 18:131-134, 
                 2. Jour. For.      16.404-411 
                 3. Jour. For.      18:412-419 
                 4.  Jour. For.     17:150-153 
                 5. Jour. For       27:708-713 
                 6. Jour. For.      19:718-721 
                 7. Jour. For.      28:321- 
                 8. Jour. For.      29s25- 
                 9. Jour. For.      29:932- 
                 Have you published other articles along such lines? 
                            Thanking you, I remain, 
                                      Yours very sincerely, 
                                      D. A. Mac Lulich