                             34 Grosvenor Ave. ,Ottawa,Ontario, 
                                     November 16,197l1. 
Mr. Aldo Leopold, 
   In Charge,Game Survey, 
       905 University Ave., 
Dear Leonold: 
                   I have considered carefully the possible 
opening described in your letter of November 10. I like the 
Agricultural College setting very well indeed,and also the op- 
portunities for game research,and I appreciate especially your 
own expression of "a very high opinion of the opportunities 
in this position". I know of nothing that can be put down as 
a real consideration against the proposition except Iowa's 
general lack of anything resembling wilderness,with its in- 
tangible values,which,as you know,I prize highly. However,I 
have no intention of being unduly particular about such points, 
and if I get an opportunity to tackle this Iowa job at a reas- 
onable salary and with a fair chance to do research and advance, 
I shall be very glad to take it. 
      If you send further letters on topics of this kind to 
my office addressI suggest that the exterior of the envelope 
be marked "Personal",as otherwise,should I be out of town when

the letter is received, it will be considered as official mail 
and will be opened and read by others. 
      With best regards,I remain 
                   Sincerely yours, 
                     H~--~- F       AJ1," 
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