CJanaz  29. 1935 
being reflooded this year at Biological SurTV expense. These will 
be straight refuges. 
           I also act in a congulting capacity to other federal pro- 
jects, chief of which is the Coon Valley Soil Erosion Project near 
LaCrosse, where gane management has been inaugurated, mostly for 
quail, pheasants and rabbits, on 92,000 acres of upland farme. These 
doubled their quail the first year without ay re-stocking, while 
pheasants quintupled. The whole thing is being held down to what 
the famer himself could actually do if he wanted to, and on this 
area the farmer has actually done it, the government merely advising 
him and furnishing him with seed, wire, and other capital outlay#. 
           I assame your inquiry refers to the University program 
alone. The Conservation Department naturally has an even larger 
program, in which they give me considerable voice but for which I am 
not directly responsible. In general, we are working      lowly* be- 
ginning with the basic things. 
           I wish you could get Missouri lanched into a program suit- 
able for her needs. It cannot all be done from Jefferson City. A 
proper set-up at Columbia is. I think, needed. You know my intense 
interest in your state and whenever I can serve in an advisory capacity,

please call on me. 
                                  Yours sincerely. 
                                             Aldo Leopold 
                                       In Charge, Game Research 
V. c. XW--2