5N.tembor 5, 1934 
*htoh to by far the most thr ugmaterial on snowshoe populations yet 
gathered azwr   for a l~imted are, He mieit, how~er, be able to 
mevt sme wa In wh&hich   sl plans wuld fit into yours. 
         I am nt aaI!S4Rtod In detail with imret m*r on anoshes 
It arW, Ini Micditga a4 Vtinst&, but vmud miget your getting in tond

with ?. S. Lovejoy$ Gam  Xvtsi*a. Departmnt ofOnvoemtion, Lansing 
Mtidigea, and Pb1p T. 7ing, AftiaietrýAion Balig    Un~iversiy Farm

         Aks uw4. we have apparently no wokwatevr goingo       In the 
Roe   Mounaien awao   razr, ma~s far ras I Imow, none in norther New 
           To.I know Storar, if WkAs Vr enthsiastic abot his visit 
with you and WI~ll*lto 
                                          Aldo Loop@Ul 
Charles Slton-2