- t' 
                                            JamaY 29- 1936 
  Mr. Chas. L. Hon President+                      +..... ,  - 
  'D ea r  M r.  H o r n t 
          I think that the confaso   ini your  idi   ont  a matteo 
    dates    I1~ did nott reozn clsreo    aterfowl at an   time that I 
  means of flwwn a refa        and w~restoraio progra. and as Ieeme 
It.. . thsw s th issue on ihic  wel disagreed.:+ 
          I did reommend closue on waterfowl last year at th    Game 
  Conference. You wil fW this on pag      e 50 ofthe 1935 Traatis. 
  I cannot reeme     wher  I gave the address whic was quoted in Ratu 
  Magazine. but I rbepe~     g1ivin  it and the  &wtt$loni  corr~at 
          I stillthink that 1935 conditions ~warated lo#mr., but 
  I m somewhat e       y the oetein lIn the kill a Uae4 by 
  the restrictions whic  the Bioogca     Survey adopted instead.  If we 
  coan retain and possibly oxe~hoe resticinsI thinkIt may be 
            Youma be assured tht Mr    li    n  the fall menbership 
  of the Institut were kept advisud at al    tiraes of all sttements by 
            Ye.I rciethltterfom th     old ma in Kansa and 
     red  t  it mc  interst. Did yon want this back? 
                              Yours sina.vey, 
                                    Aldo Leopold~ 
                             Professor of Gam  Managemen 