FOREST SERVICE 
                             INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRICT 
A                                 FOREST SERVICE BUILDING 
               "'WWRARROGDEN. UTAH 
                                                     April 29, 1929. 
      Mr. Aldo Leapold, 
             Madison, Wis. 
      Dear Leapold; 
           I       Since I last wrote you there has been some discussion

       regarding work in this District and in particular in connecthn 
       with the game work.   Apparently there is an insistence from the 
       Washington office that the District cut down on overhead and this

       is reflected in a cut in allotment this year of about $9000 with 
       additional cuts to come.   As confidential information, in order 
       to meet these cuts ;r. Rutledge proposes to about eliminate all 
       our game administration such as we have been carrying out on the 
       Kaibab and in Jackson Hole.     I have about concluded that in 
       order to meet the requirements here it will be necessary for me 
       to stop thinking about game matters as official work. 
           This situation makes it more essential that I follow up any 
       openings there may be on the outside or elsewhere.   Mr. Rutledge,

       Morse, and Woods have all discussed with me the chances for some 
       of the positions which might be open.    Morse says that he has 
       some contacts in Wisconsin which might be helpful and he will do 
       what he can to assist in any way there.     I shall be mighty 
       glad to know of anything more of which you have information or 
       anth~ing more specific about those you have already written. 
           There has been little time to work on the deer chapter but 
       as s~on as I get out in the field I shall have some long evenings

       and plan to work on it then.   Have just gotten back from a trip 
       over the winter game ranges on the Middle Fork of Salmon River and

       I will send you a copy of the report.   Counted over 2400 deer and

       got some very interesting information. 
           It is probable that we are to get a shipment of smelt eggs soon

       and are to plant them in the Redfish Lake section.    Will try to

       write you again soon. 
                      Very sincerely yours,