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  there are represented here the many private organizations. We 
  express the hope that before this meeting adjourns these varied 
  agencies, being impressed by the urgency of the problem over the 
  entire North American Continent, will agree upon the main essen- 
  tials of a broad program, no matter how irritating some of the minor 
  differences may be. If we can proceed in that spirit of unity toward 
  the major objective, we will not allow precious time to pass--that 
  precious time which has passed and brought some of our valued 
  species of wildlife near to the point of extinction. We are now, 
  all of us, so impressed by what lost time has done that I am con- 
  vinced we are willing to pull together over this entire continent 
  for this objective as we never have done before. [Applause.] 
    Chairman Su.(ox. Members of the -North American Wildlife Con- 
  f       We are delighted to have with us Sr. Juan Zinser, repre- 
  senting the Mexican Government, who will bring you a message 
  from the President l       pi              ] 
                 /REMARs oF SR. JUAN ZINSER 
    Sr.  UA  ZINSER (speaking in Spanish). It is a high honor for me 
 to present to yo  t    ost cordial salutation of the President of the 
 United Mexican     tates, Gen  Lazaro Cardenas, and I hope this 
 conference will accomplish its noble purpose and will help to per- 
 petuate the friendship of the nations taking part in this conference- 
 the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico. [Applause.] 
    hair              W        so delig:ted to have with us Mr. J. B. 
 larkn, Commissioner of National Parka of Canada, who will bring 
 to us a message from the Premier of Canada. [Applause.] 
                    REMARKS OF MRt. J. B. HARK[N 
   Mr. J. 1B. HARKIN. Mr. Chairman, Mr. Secretary, and members of 
 the Wildlife Conference: I am directed by the Prime Minister of 
 Canada to read his message to you on his behalf: 
   It gave me great satisfaction to learn that the Government of the United

 States has called together a conference for the purpose of discussing wildlife

 conservation on the North American Continent. 
   The treaty between the United States and Canada for the protection of

 migratory birds indicates the interrelation of interests between our countries

 in that phase of wildlife conservation. 
   Following the policy established by that treaty, Canada is pleased to
 with the United States of America and the Republic of Mexico in the present

 effort to advance the cause of conservation of North American wildlife,
to the 
 end that the full economic and esthetic possiblities of this great and distinctive

 resource may not only be enjoyed by the present generation but be handed

 down unimpaired for the future citizens of th's continent. 
   On behalf of the Government and the people of Canada, I extend all good

 wishes for success in your deliberations, in the confident hope that the
 ference will result in much benefit to the cause yon are espousing. 
   Chairman Smcox. I am delighted again to present Sr. Juan 
 Zinser, who will present a paper on "The Mexican wildlife situation."

                    REMARKS OF SR. JUAN ZINSERt 
   Sr. JUAN ZINsER (Mexico City). Mr. Chairman and delegates: It 
 is one of the most pleasing experiences of my whole life to attend