p 21N, RlW, and 
s outh in Jackson 
in the north- 
was in or very 
         There isA no doubt that t tne area covered is genrralle severely

overbrowsed with oonsderable starvation reported from sevral places 
within the area this  t winter and spring. There seems to be little 
doubt that there  5   Rn an inoreasing trend in the size of the deer 
herd in this terr tory with. onsequent overbrowsing becoming more 
critical to the point of being brsed out over a sizeable unit. 
          tThe door herd apparentl  reached its peak of concentration 
hbe possible for the area to 
arry asaaain, at least not in the next several years* Un- 
less the hard usng this territory is substantially reduced it is a 
   s~r  hre~~ao         be   ~nth  number of doeor an     toe 
certainity that te trend of ra~e damage will continue resulting in a 
lower deer oryngoapaoity which means fewer deer in any oases,        h 
  sone       ther isa aln e   bewe he ubro deer and willi food 
       the betterf   both the range and the deer# The lonrrpre 
slower the recovery. 
          The coditions on the township and adjaoent vioinities ex- 
amined is not necessarily indicative of conditionis elsewhere in Jack- 
s on Count or in Central Wisconsin, though from the so~ ttered inforuma 
tion available it appears that generally the deer herd has been in- 
creasinK throught the oentral region. At least some of the areas 
where  he av   onentrations oour have already reached the oritial 
point. Many other areas, where the concentrations are lighter, have 
not yet reaohed this stage. 
          It in generally agreed that the Saddle Mound closed area 
s    d be opento hunting tsfall       however Judgingfrom tie trends 
    of  opla ion ices, rarg     daae    and effects of-hutin    elserwere

it  esnoat seem like  that the sooting of buck deer alone will 
alleviate over-browsing and starvation and put the deer herd in a 
balamne with the growth of their food supply. I think that the matter 
of population redcti on i a serious quest ion here now, and that of 
the two supposed dngerslover-shooting or cont inued over-b rowsind the 
latter is much riskier     t seems to me that over-browsing oould be- 
vented without omee-heeting i~e   over-shoo-ting in the sense that ?he. 
                      h ode  belo fie carrying capacity or where it needs

herd woud be reduced muc    ovri             a 
be. If, byhan, over-shootinK should occur to sowe extent, the st- 
utionGould easiy and quiokly be remedied, whereas range damage is 
difficult to reair and it takes a long time, and no sizeable deer herd 
o_.n be maintained on a browsed out ranges 
          night be noted that Warden Radke of Jackson County reported 
finding some fiftyor more dead deer in the Saddle Mound territory of 
which about fiteen(otly weak deer) had been killed by dogs- The 
balanoe was mostly stavation losses     ohiefl  "awns, Aso    it is
esting to note    ; the partide the (sexoe. 3, TaNk            ine) 
whieh was built in th year 938(    In      the exoioee Jack 
      and natl sizes up to trees about 15 
            esh    no            deer, or if an it was inoonspicu- 
ous. The red oks within the fence showed moderae      browsing by deer 
previous to the feing, whereas outside of the exalosure, all Jaok Pine 
of the sae age classes were browse-stripped and the oaks and other 
species were very heaviy browsed. Likwise, natural Jack Pine repro- 
duotion had been stripped by deer, nostly last winter but some previous-

ly, at mary of the plaoes inspoeoted