Ecological Monographs 
         Vol. 17, No. I 
Species, Station, Item 1935      1936      1937      1938      1939     
194       1941      1942      1913      1944      1945     Average 
160 ANGELICA (Angelica atropurpurea) 
Dane. in bloom ...... ..  .  I   ..         .    I   ....  I .  ...  I  
....      5/31-? I  6/2-?  I  6/9-?  1 6/3-6/22  5/28-6/271  6/2 
161 ALSIKE CLOVER (Trifolium hybridum) 
Sank: first bloom..... [ .... I   -..   I  ....   1  6/8    I   ..    ..
  I                 5/241     6/5       6/2        6/5       6/3 
162 PENSTEMON (Penstemon gracili8) 
Sauk: in bloom (b) ... ....  I.....    I    ...       I   ....       I  
6/8-?     5/23-?I   5/30-?    6/5-?     5/28-?   6/16-7/5    6/3 
163 CANADA MAYFLOWER (Maianthemum canadenoe var. interius) 
Sank: first bloom ....  .        .. I .... r ..... I6/1                 
          ....      ...I .    6/3       5/28  1   6/12      6/3 
164 DEWBERRY (Rubus #lagelaris)* 
Sank: in bloon .....   ..   ...    .        *..       *..      ..       6/8-?
   5/29-6/11 5,'30-6/22 6/5-6/26 6/3-6/27  6/5-7/3     6/3 
      fruit ripn       *.. ......                  7/17-8/13   .        -8-30
     ....      7/21-?    7/25-?    7/27-?  7/28-9/3    7/21 
165 DOMESTIC YELLOW IRIS (Iris lamesecns) 
Sank: in bloom....      ...  I   ....  I   ....  I             ..- . I  
....      .. ....    ....     6/4-?I    6/1-?   6/5-6/20   (6/3) 
166 ANEMONE (Anemone canodensis) 
Sank: in blooo. .....  ....      ....     6/13-?    6/4-?    5/27-6/21  
6/13-?  5/23-7/1 1 5/30-7/21 6/3-7/21 5/29-7/15 6/5-7/25    6/3 
Dane: in bloon ...                         ....     5/28-?     ....     
....      ..        5/30-?    ....(..             ....     (5/29) 
167 FROSTWEED (Helianthemum canadense) 
Danein bloom ....... I ....  I   ....  I    ....     ....   I           
          S.. . ... 5/27-?I .... ..   6/7-6/27  6/7-7/22    (6/3) 
168 WHITE CLOVER (Trifoliumn repens) 
Sank: first bloom .    ....  I   ....      ....                         
          6/7       6/1       6/2       6/2       6/5       6/3 
Dane: first bloom  .... I   ....      ....           5/31     5/29   0  
 / 63    5/27       5/30      ....      6/1       5/29      5/30 
169 YARROW (Achillea Millefolium) 
Sauk: in bloom.................                            [   6/11-?   
6/9-?   5/30-6/30 5/30-7/19 6/2-7/21  6/1-7/15  6/5-9/3     6/4 
Dane: in bloom ........5/28-?                                           
....      ....      5/30-?  ....      6/2-8/20  6/3-8/1     5/31 
170 WOODCOCK (Philohela minor) Last peenting. 
Sank: .............  ......      ....  1   6/7 .               6/1      
6/2+      5/31      6/1       6/3+      5/31      6/16      6/4 
Dane: .............. .  .....    ..'       ....      5/24+     6/5      
....      ....      ...       ....      5/28       ....     (6/1) 
171 NINEBARK (Physocarpus opulifolius) 
Sank: in bloom......  ........                               6/4-6/11   
6/13-?  5/29-6/7  6/1-6/13  6/10-6/21 6/1-6/9   6/5-6/20    6/4 
Dane: in bloom ...   ......                                    ....     
....      ....                ....    6/5-6/15  6/8-6/28    (6/7) 
        Leafing is completed before blooming. 
 172 HUDSONIA (Hudsonia tomentoso) 
 Sank: in bloom (b)...I .... I   ....  I   .. -      ....  I   ....  I  
... .     ....      ...   I   6/5-?     6/2-?   6/4-6/17   (6/4) 
 173 WILD PARSNIP (Paslisoca satire) 
 Dane: in bloom ...... I .... I  ....  I   ....            I   ....   I 
....      f 6/7-?   5/31-? I    .- .  6/5-7/30 i 6/6-7/29   6/4 
 174 SPATTERDOCK (Nuaphar mriegata) 
Sank: in bloom.............   .....    I   ....      .      (by 5/19)   
          ....    6/5-8/13  6/10-9/7  5/29-8/5  6/5-8/15    6/5 
Dane: in bloom ............   ....         ..       5/31-?    5/27-I    
         o,,52-? .... 5...                        ..       (5/27) 
175 BLACK LOCUST (Robinia Pseudo-Acacia) 
Sank: in bloom......   ....  i                        . I . ?..1 ?-6/3  
....      5/23-?  5/30-6/7  6/9-6/13  5/29-6/3    6/16-?    6/5 
Dane: in bloom......         I         I            5/29-?     ...      
....      5/23-?    ....      ....    5/28-6/4  6/6-6/14    5/29 
        Leafing is completed by the blooming period. Clones (thickets) differ
from each other in leafing and blooming dates, but the trees within a clone,
leaf and bloom 
176 KRIGIA (Krigia biflora) 
Sank: in bloom ....    ....      ....                      I            
....    5/31-6/27 5/31-7/2 1  6/15-? I 5/30-7/3 6/12-7/12   6/7 
Dane: in bloom         ....                          6/o-?     .        
          5/27-?1   5/9-?  1  ....   i 6/11-6/30 6/15-7/13  6/2 
177  LYCHNIS (Lychnis alba) 
Sauk: in bloom.. I     ....                                    6/17-4  (by
5/30)   5/29-? 1 5/23-7/261 6/11-8/2 1 6/13-7/17 6/12-9/15+ 6/7 
Dane: in bloom .    ..   .                                              
                           1.... ... ... .. 6/9-? I 5/29-8/21 5/30-? (6/2)

178 RED CLOVER (Trifolium pratense) 
Sauk: first bloom .. ... ... I   ....                  I ....           
                           1  6/5       6/2       6/15      (6/7) 
Dane: first bloom .....  .  ....                     6/7       6/7 "
                        5/29      ....   1  6/5       6/5       6/4 
179 POTENTILLA (Potentilla arguta) 
Sauk: in bloom .   .      .      ....      . ...- I   ...  I   .... I   
.. . .    ....   1  6/1-?   6/13-7/4 1 6/1-7/17 6/12-7/1 I  6/7 
180 ASPARAGUS (Asparagus officinalis) 
Sauk: sprouts gathered .          .         .    I   ...       ...      
 . "      ....    5/1-5/27 1 5/10-5/311 5/15-?  4/21-6/5    5/4 
      first bloom. ....I                                     (by 5/27)  
           ..       ....      6/5       6/1       6/16     (6/7) 
 181 YELLOW SWEET CLOVER (Melisous officinalis) 
 Sank: first bloom ..... ......             .         ...      ....     
...       6/7       6/7       6/15    (by 6/13)   6/4       6/8 
 Dane: in bloom ....         I    .... I   EE    I   ....    (by 6/12)  
           ....     5/31-?     ...    5/31-7/8  5/31-7/25  (5/31) 
 182 DAISY (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum var. pinnatifidum) 
 Sauk: in bloom                        ..   ....    ........            
                              6/15-?  6/1-8/10    6/9-?    (6/8) 
 Dane:in bloom ...... .....    ....    I   ...       ....   I  E...     
                    .E..   I          6/2-8/15  6/1-8/24   (6/2)