Oct. 17. 1932 
Major ,. Willis Robertson, Chairman 
CO= ission of Came and Inland Fisheries 
Lexington, Virginia 
Dear Major Robertsont 
            I estimate that a preliminary size-up of Virginia 
conditions, pl.s, let uq say, a quail handbook, could be made 
in three months. I have reduced my rates to $ýOO per month 
and the travel e xpence would be less than $5OO1.7ccordingly it 
would appear that the whole project, exclusive of the printing 
bill, could be executed for 4p       025o. 
            This is a depression rate which I have been forced 
to quote in order to get any business at all. My Iowa work- was 
at the rate of t700 per month, which, I mvay spy for your personal 
infonation, was a considerable reduction below my previms 
Institute rate. 
            It is barely possible that Handley, Coleman, and 
Stoddard hare already accwalated enough technical information 
about Virginia to enable Tomethti  to be compiled in an even 
shorter period, but in estimating three months, I am playing safe. 
The basis for the handbook would have to be gotten together in 
winter. because food and cover cannot be appraised at other seasons. 
            With best regards, 
                                 Yours sincerely, 
                                          ATDO LEOPOLD 
AL/ Vh