cept the Secretary-Treasurer, who may or 
not be a memoer of the Board of Governors. 
When a vacancy for any reason occurs in 
the Board of Governors or among the of- 
ficers, the President shall appoint a member 
to fill the vacancy, with the approval of the 
Board of Governors. The interpretation of 
all rules and the decision upon all matters 
not provided for in this Constitution and 
By-Laws shall be entrusted to the Board of 
Governors of the Association. 
  Sec. 2. The powers of the Board of Gov- 
ernors shall be subordinate to that of the 
Association, and the Association may at any 
meeting instruct the Board of Governors as 
to its action upon any matter, or may annul 
any former action of the Board. 
  Sec. 3. Four members shall constitute a 
quorum of the Board of Governors for the 
transaction of any business. 
  Sec. 4. The President of the Association 
shall be the Chairman of the Board of Gov- 
ernors and the Secretary of the Association 
shall be its Secretary. 
  Sec. 5. The Board of Governors shall 
have the power to appoint committees and 
define their duties; to hear and determine all 
charges against members of the Association, 
and to expel any member for cause deemed 
by the Board to be sufficient; to examine 
the books of the Secretary-Treasurer, and 
to remove any officer of the Association for 
such cause as it may deem sufficient; to 
manage and conduct all field trials by and 
through such members of the Association 
as it may delegate for such purpose; to de- 
cide on all matters pertaining to the Asso- 
ciation and its affairs not otherwise pro- 
vided -for, and to hear and determine all