C eano thus 
           Ceanothus occurs in moderate amounts throughout the higher 
portions and north slopes of the region. One patch of considerable ex- 
tent lies within 7hite Creekl .B3 n, j    und er Ra.ey Peak. From obser-

vations made on this area, utilization is ,placed at 50-70%, most of 
w'hich was tken prior to February 15. Apparently only a small camount 
of the current growth of twvigs is taken, hence utilization estimrates 
have been based. on number' of loaves removed. This area would seem a 
very good. place for-the construction of another enclosure. 
Douglas Fir 
          Every ptaunch samle examined. contains some Douglas Fir needles

and. browse. Observations made do not justify nn attempt at an estimate 
of use. Many young trees are trirmmed up rather closely and considerable

nuiibers of larger trees are trimid as high as daeeIr can reach. 
Yellow Pine 
          Observations on a few simall yellow pines within the "Deer

Pasture, and in White Creek Basin, 'incicate very light use, probably 
          This plant occurs in consider:,ble quantities and moderate 
amounts were taken tbhoughout the winter. Utilization is estimated at 
Oregon Grrane 
          Utilization of thi is brow~e is apar-ntly largely seasonal. 
Areas of Oregon grape examined, show very light winter use. Apparently 
only the leaves are taken. 
Bal samnroo t 
          Large quantities of Balsmroot ar e ta,-en, a great deal being 
pawed out of the snow. In most cases only the leaves were taken, so 
utilization esti-ates have boon basod on that portion of the growth. 
Use is estimated. at 10-30%.V 
Bluebunch wheatgrass a~a Fescue 
          Fall rains started the grass early,* and much of it roached. a

height of 1 to 2 inches before winter set in. The deer have fed on 
this to some extent throughout the winter, although it was not until 
the middle of Febýrmry that they appeared to be takiing it in groat

quantities. Paunch sa.rroles collected tit:eing this poriod contain some

cured grass, but it is believed that most of this is taken in brder to 