                     Die Jagdzeitung- Articles 
  p. 220    Ieber die An3* eines Aerwildre1Oeges, 
            Sohenian forestry reportg'. -iiiug- certain that 
            Aý erwvld 'a e been prresent before a ttemting ittroduo-

            tion. 110 hineelf bnd forest bounded by most abundant 
            Auerwild forest In "ohenis, but never shot on Auerb!nv 
            in his distriot. Tf it so easily t1hnzpnnted, why 
            does it not cross boundary. 
            Birkwild seems satisfied with very limited space. 
            In 20 years shot alvmys on the same spot of about 
            30 3ooh. 
  pa T.irds shot in 1862/3 
            Owner               7uS?        Birk         v sel 
            "insky' (o3henI)    12           4            13 
            1less ?ileis )                    6           177 
            k.u.k (Radeut7)       3           5            48 
   p.33     'ý'Inom of Bohmia 
                         eto,   465(+22)   1766 (-12)     679(-7-93) 
    p.477   YProosals to increase AIiier aMd 3irk-wi4. 
            ArztificialS tre~dlne as witft pheasants, 
            Plteau best plOe - wter - berries - protected from 
            predatory anim ls, 
            Difioulty of Cetting sufficient ege. 
            Domestic hens could be kept with birds and then lot out. 
  p. 438    fj,  terger, TYrsunburg) 
            ?ood ,Iven "o tame ' uerhline: ants, eAgs, crnnberries.

                      of tamed birds. 
            'p.  four (ays old.nd in silk cloth, put into 
            a potfilled vith down. Aýer Iwif an hcur let out 
            into a box - Tad to feed oah with ants - e4ggs. 'our 
            days foroible fe-dine, kept in down-filled pot. By 
            sixth day all four edting 'voluntarily - fifth died. 
            A fortninht in pot than in wooden house. Ate 081d 
            greed.ly. When house too mll, brought into more 
            roy pl     .             in food and place essential. 
            t a                       enth - 8 n strawberries, rnpberries,

            crnberries an    wn      Grpes. Lettupe, parsnips. 
            parkIoy, Apples out u. lizture out of nntsreCLggs, 
            apples, wheat. In e      'beech and, larch twigs. 
            J~o water.