- 2- 
know something pf your week-end plans Curing July (or even 
August, if July is full), I will write you again just as soon 
as our plans here are a bit more definite. 
     In short, if plans work out as I hope they will, Nagel 
and I can have laid a pretty fair foundation for further 
work to be financed by the State, and all this shoula fit in 
nicely with the State program on which we have beam working. 
The one fly in the ointment that I can see is that the speci- 
fio% turkey-project will have to wait until the survey is 
pretty well along, but it will form one of the major pirts 
or the state program and our plans will point toward it. 
     Thanks for the News-letter and the reprint of Errington' s 
paper.   I shall greatly appreciate it if you will keep me in 
mind right along when you have extra copies of such valuable 
publications, and I shall also look for further copies of the 
News-letter.   I wonder if you would be willing to put Nagel 
on the mailing-list for the latter. 
     with best regards, 
                                  Rudolf Bennitt 
                           Associate Professor of Zoology 
P.S.    I forgot to say that several weeks ago I had a fine 
visit with Stoddard and Shuttee in St. Louis.  We "talked 
turkeys"' most of the time, and I huve a standing invitation 
to visit Stoddard in Georgia whenever I can get there---vieh 
I hope may be before long.  He was most cordial and expressed 
great interest in our plans and prospects here.  If we get 
inywhere in this whole scheme, you must realize that your 
interest and support, and his, will have contributed largely*