HEAD OFFICE  MONTREAL 
                       PORT MENIER, ANTICOSTI ISLAND, 
                               rMarch 15th, 1934. 
 University of Wisconsin, 
 Ma~dison, Wisconsin. 
 Dear Sir:- 
             I want to write and let you know that I have very 
 much appreciated your book mamnagement      - in fact it is 
 just the book I have been looking for. For your information 
 1 am enclosing a copy of certain information pertaining to 
 Anticosti which I prepared some little time ago. It will give 
 you an idea of what we have here. 
             We have on the island an estimated quantity of 
 15 miliion cords of pulpwood# menier made about a million cords 
 and we made about the same amount but the wood was expensive 
 and we closed down woods operations in 1930. We are now well 
 on the way to making the game and fish pay our running expen- 
 ses and I believe if we handle it properly we wili make a nice 
             I have been grouping for the light in a great many 
 problems in connection with our game ( I here include fox as 
 a game animal for instance, our fox take shows enormous varia- 
 tion from year to year, varying from less than 500 to more than 
 1600, incidentally, if you are interested, I would be glad to 
 send you a graph of the take for the last 15 years. 
             The following may prove of interest; balsam is the 
 staple food for deer in the winter; our beaver live largely on 
 conifers (we have but few broad leaved species) and the staple 
 food in the winter is the bark of the spruce; while only 20 
 partridge were introduced here anu we now find them all over 
 the Island and numbering thousands there is absolutely no sign 
 of ill effects from inbreeuing; elk breed infrequently once in 
 four years  is probably correct# 
             di th the exceptlons of several small areas owned 
 by the Federal Government a'occupied by light nousesthe whole 
 island is held in freehold. OUr only worry is caused by poachers 
 from the mainland who come over after our furs.