COPY, to 8. 3, zoose 
Dr. J. W. Sctt 
Ukdvositr of Wyutn 
Dear Dre Scott: 
         I m seniin you a o*w of tb mpcu, hc      ok 
         At that tim the agriut~ral colleg at TZA=     1Jtg~  VU 
attemtin toras w t. fde for this stad4, Th fam~ty meo 
interested wa Prf. T.?, T lr, looks w  I had the matter u 
with~ tba State Gms Itaren and wita the National Resarc Conil    u 
e did not maxwed Insaigu      Wfrs 
         "Th Univrsit of Wyoin wuld4 prmaal be aneual 
tworabl placefor  ~hasuyad1        o  n.a       ~iodo 
th lt'.v..4ineed. for this wor tha~t I would do ar   n within 
nsaisn to ge It started, 
         Th Isa*k Walton -e  In Woiug has dwnsomh         w 
  an dteinataion i Ia ts tinmt pond project that it coamr to -wta 
it might be able to tak on this project aa a no lItm in It. state 
prora.   It I mn be of auq smrie to you in getting this thing unde 
we,,Ither an a Leagu project or otherwiss. I would be now  hnga 
to dovWbest. 
         After y hays looked vow *0 ont1Ie let me haeyu 
         With best rears 
                                    ALDO AK 
                                in Obrg, Gm  Research 