Mauwo to Call Jhnoziso-' 
                  qMpter YTXX. 2W &Me2 of Iowa 
      Here is the m-Aerial for OJliapter Vill, ',:he Conservation 
Moyent in Iowa." 
      This carries one lon, table (hble 6) and one ct (Fig. 25). 
I wuld C   gt sttii- the table in type different from that 
of the text and placing it In a pair of boxed inserts on opposite 
      21,-. 25 will stand reduction down to the point where the 
lettering      es illegible, but since it is of considerable 
interest to sportsmn you mV not want to. duce it to the   imlt. 
      Xlndly return the original of Fie. 25 wn you are through 
with it. 
Aldo Leopold