bucks with horns were . rarity after February 1. The ls t buck in 
full Larmnent that ,he saw was on Februaary 15, while a two-point buck 
was seen this year on March 3. 
          One deer with cropped ears was seen. These more than likely 
had been frozen. 
          Two deer with one ear hanging alongside their faces were 
          A total of ten cripples were seen between Octo.ber, 1930 and 
 April 1, 1931. 
           Abnormalities thiat aznsufficiently distinctive, suggest 
 that they might be helpful in a study of drift. 
 Disposition or Temper 
           Apparently the femle of the. species taay have a nasty disposi-

 tion at times. A fight betwoen two does has been recorded in which 
 considerable qua-ntities of hair were lnocked from each other's bodies,

 and the impact of their hoofs could be heard for some little distance. 
 It is not uncomtmon to see a deer walk "up to another and make a pass
 it with a front foot. Whether or not this is done in a spirit of plv-r 
 or peevishness is difficult to say. 
           Ticks, nose fly larvae, and tape worms are apparently the 
  chief p-aasites.: Another very small larvae was found in the lining 
  of the gullet of a buck. Specimens of this were trken* for identifica-

  tion by Mr. Locke. 
            To atter.ot an estimate of the numbers of predatory animals 
  would be :little more th.an a guess. Both cougar and coyotes range rather

  widely, so the tendency would'probably be to ovr-exstimate rather than

  be-conservative. Throughout the winter, 22 coyotes were seen. It is 
  suspected that, only a small percentage of the total were seen, so they

  are undoubtedly quite numerous. 
            The cougvx appafrently stayed with the deer at higher eleva-

  tions during most of the winter. Ilue to lack of snow, hunting was 
  difficult, and the uncertainty of receiving a bounty took away much of

  the incentive to hunt. only two cougar have been tah-n within the game

  preserve. This will no doubt meaa a material increase in their numbers

  next year.