-now Soils Buildin 
                                          gst 29,. 1934 
U. 5, ore   Servtoo 
Ogden Utah 
Dear Ibraliiz 
         The study ema1 be u     your direction to as 
gret a degree as yo wish. This ise merel a matter of 
agrmet with the Univeruity, 
         As to   sts,  usual   tleWr is $600-400 stipe 
(ib~is depens on *hat student must haev to live), p~zs $900 
or. travel (this w    v   ,a  rdi   to Size of rqioz 
etutod.isfrm $500 to $,12w). 
          I d notknow this s     t'    ougt to mIke, mv 
he wits yo-u I think Dr. Scott w~14 be ooiaptemt as 
an adiser. 
          The study should, to be swrth *hile, extend, 
at least the years. 
          I hear tLere is a w gsmm at Loga     (Rasmsfs) 
w   migt enter intoyou  pieraam 
          As to chaatetr an eM ~   the best vw to get an 
14.. is to read the ivprt of th. Arizona quail invstigatio.a 
of vk*1  I a  sending yall a 00w.y 
                         Yours s1i35?elyo 
                             In Chage, Goo Research 
Copy to Mr, 5. B. L~ook