Appendix C! Raffed Grouse 
     The river bottoms of central Wisconsin yield, dring the high years of
game cycle, exceptionally fine ruffed grouse or partrilge" shooting.
This adds 
variety to the hicken shooting-which has a very important bearing on the
value of shooting privileges. 
     Partridges and chickens share the same cycle, Vut partridges someti;.e

remain abundant for a year after the chickens have dropped off, this being
spicuously tre in 1933. This is inportant in raisinr the percentage of years
which some outstanding attraction to snortsmen is available. 
     The ruffed grouse is at present le   susceptible to management than
prairie chicken, but fature research findingemay alter this situation. For

emple. the disoovery of a new clover that will grow in central Wisconsin,
the discovery of a cheap method of treating the soil of food patches so they
grow white clover, might greatly a-ent the partridge crop, and thus add to
game yield of the region, and hence to its gnme revenmes. 
     The University of Minnesoita s heading the research work on raffe .grouse.

Its findings would be available to any Wisconsin management venture. 
                           ApTendix D: Waterfowl and Fur 
     The wetter marshes of central Wisconsin were, before drainage, highly

productive as a waterfowl breeding ground. 
     Some of the drained marshes are usable for Ć½Wriculture, and are
more productive for prairie chickens by reason of their drained condition.

     Some, however, might yield more If reflooded, for waterfowl and fur.
test of the efficacy of refloodine should be made in a carefully selected
     The flowages of central Wisconsin are, in general, lisappointing in
wild-life productivity. A careful study mipht yield ways to improve their
