New Soils Building 
                                             June 1, 1934~ 
Dr. John W. Scott 
University of Womig 
Laramie, Wyoming 
Da Dr, Scotti 
          It sounds as if things were moving in a very gnuine 
          Yoar stu4ent should thorogly absorb 1. L. toddard's 
"Bob*4te qai" (Soribnerc, 1931), paying attention not so 
muh to the ooncluuions as the wq i which     dewnoe was oollected. 
          When your Student has finally decided to go into this, 
let me kmow and 1111 send you a collection of reprints of my 
stadents. Or if you want them for permanent record, Jt' give 
me the word. Some ae getting scare so I sen them out rather 
          My book. "t e           ," m  also be wrth his while.

                             Tours sincerely, 
                              In Charge, Qua. bseszvh 
P, S.   aveyou myn Ga Survey"?  If not, ask W.L, MeAtee, U.S. 
Blologima Survey, for a copy. Failing that, call on me. 