GRAIN DRILLS                  ORICONAWS. 
FIELD CULTIVATORS                                            -, 28,1936 MOLINE,IL,.

        Mr..ldo Leopold, 
      Old Entomology Bulding, 
      Madison, Wisconsin 
      Dear Ur. Leopold : 
                        Under separate corer I am sending you 
      one each of the Koriccn M.arsh booklets that I w/rote.  The 
      white cony was our first attempt and as you will note it 
      carries the story in detail frc. 1837 to 1925. You can 
      readily appreciate that it would take a volume to cover the 
      last 11 years, if one wanted to set it up in detailed form. 
      However, the little brown booklet only hits the high spots 
      end covers the story from 1837 to 1935 inclusive. 
                        W{e have sent out thousands of these little 
      booklets and they are serving a mighty fine purpose all over 
      the country. 
                        As you know Aldo, the louse! decision of 
      the Supreme Court a few months ago has certainly raised hell. 
      No one will ever be able to tell me that that decision was 
      for the benefit of the public. It is diffimult for a layman 
      to understand how the State can lose its rights within a period 
      of 20 or 25 years, as they suggest. I will bet my last dime 
      that this decision will be reversed before another year. In 
      any event the court has decided that "black is white" and
      settles it. I hope that you will help us wherever possible to 
      put over the program now in effect to prevail upon the Federal 
      Government t, Itake over Iloricin -arsh without any further delay.

      I am sure you will be able to play a strong part in such a 
      program as I know the Biological Survey is interested. M:y only 
      regret is that the professional landowners and the laĆ½yers are

      going to reap the profits on Hori'rin Marsh and the poor farmer 
      will be left out on the limb. 
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