Copy to Fry 
                             $ýept. 22,1930 
Prof. T. G. Taylor 
tlepartaent of Forestry A&a 
Utah State Agrieltutr.Al Coll"e-O 
Dear Dr. T-aylor 
         I a delighted to learn that Gams Cmuisioner )eohiam has 
proiised finacial aid for our :u              p ro   .  In the 
mail I r*eioe   news thaLt the re O  tisnio   of Tew  eoo has 
aropriated    1500 er yeýar for the stuc4 by the Univeraity of 7e

?ýOeiio of their most imrtat mtive a- ecies, nxaely sealed     uail.

I hope that you wrill think favorably of the proposed study of the 
6s-7 hen. 
         I - not mire whether W previens letters mde it clear that 
the Institte has allotted all of its avilable fello-wohi aM 'ill 
have no additional ones for at least a yea ,an  a hvaf to co . 3inoe 
I wrote you a new organisation called   ore      Birds in Amrias A 
Fo-_ndattonO has been oranied - New Yor people. A oopy of their 
prospectus canm be obtained at 550O Fifth Avý=ý rew Tork City.
I do not swrpose they are yet in a position to take action on eppeifie 
req-ent, it would seen to re a -)o idea to present rm    nlans and ym 
need of financial halp before than. It    me     i It nerfeotly clear that

I am not conneoted with then     am not at all authorized to speak for 
         Our fellowships aru   a   m4    of '3,0OO per year, Including 
both stipend and travsllir ps, enes, So     of then run u  to this maii-

m=, others run as low ais $22,00 per -6ar. Theyý nooe-r A periodl
of thme 
years sabject to annual renerrl. PossiAbly the inclosed co-py of a sr-ple

agreenment oo-ald hIfelp you to fons1Aat  your p~lans.  I "ronld not
a stucdy of the     hen on le-¶ than a 3-year basis, 
         I an gl,1,i youx found the Wt-=a& rep)ort interestAin. lo you

still wmnt to see the  iiaconsin report? If so, I c- now loan 7yn a 
                               Yours sincerely, 
                                        ATMO LUOPOLD) 
                                    In .arge, G=e -xm 
In.           t 