Qopy to Mr. Vorane 
                                                          May 20. 1932 
Dean qeorge F. 
lo-a State University 
Io1a City, Iowa 
Dear Dean Xay 
            I have learned from Mr. Crane that the final pu~bliation 
on the Iowa Conservation Plan will include only a brief sary of 
the constituent surveys on which the final plan is to be based. 'This 
leaves me without an outlet for the full report of the gsme s.rvey, 
which will be completed about July 20. 
            At Mr. Crane's suggestion I am writing to inquire whether 
the State Geological Survey would be intae3ted i. tulshig tlh 
report and if so, I would like to get a rough idea of when an under 
what terms it could be handled. 
            The report will be suiilar in volume and make.-i to uy 
"Game Survey of the North Central States," copy of which, I think,
in your library. However, I aa sending yau an extra copy under 
separate cover for your inspection. Mhe Iowa report may be a 
little shorter, may have slightly fewer maps, charts, an  tableas, 
and will not need any color plate. I am, of course, not esxecting 
any cloth-bound edition such as was provided for thie lorth Central 
             I have completed the basic maps and charts and can send 
you a set of photographic prints of them if you wonld care to see 
them before reaching a decision. These, however, would hardly be 
very enlightening without the accomppanyw t ext. 
             I will appreciate any consideratLon that you can give 
 this matter. 
             'With kindest regards, 
                                 Yours respoctfully,