E2TRACTS from Texas Yearbooks on Wild Life Conservation, 1928-29 & 1929-30

P. 7      Description of licenses game preserves and their results. 
p. 20     Grw-,h showin trend of deer, turkey, qpiail ai d prairie chickens

          in relation to sale of hunting licenses. 
 P. 33    "Red foxes are not native to Texan but have been imnorted
          time to time from their eastern habitat in Tennessee and Kent-cky."

             T. H. Brown planted 10 in 1891 and 23 in 1892, apparently in

          Harrison and Washington Counties. Others also made plants, the

          total being about 100. "'ithin a few years after these it
          tions there were reports of red foxes . . . raTWnin from Texarkana

          and Jasper on the east to the Pecos River on the west." Also
          the Maleacoff area, Burleson, 2ayette, Colorado and Lavaca Counties,

          alo Limestone and Walker Counties. Also San Antonia, Medina Lake,

          Junction, Býro-nwood, San Saba, Lake Dallas, west Texas
near Alpine. 
          'Tone in McLernan County. Plants on the Bosqae died out. 
 p. 102   Bobehites. Texas planted in 1929-30 3,336 bobvhites. 
      ýractically all s. cies of gme bird   ad m      s are treated
in this 
 yearbook, occaslonally with eood information on distribution but little

 on habits or manarement. These treatises be-4n on p      Oe 50. "Jistory
 Texas Game.' 
 p. 83.   1           In 1920 Texas planted about 110 pheasants which 
 p. 23     Jagaar. Specimen killed in 1910 and 1903. 
 Copies: Yeatter 
         Foxes folder 
         Texas - 
         Prairie Chickens                        Aldo Leopold