Copts$ to 
                                          Oet**tr A. 1933 
Dr. A. Rtmuse  Direatw 
1aastitt ftr Jag4bAW 
fitar Sin~ 
         I hav  W      privie" of w..4in mytltdfr 
Shperd$   report on y?11  very  la stff b w  prg a  of go 
         UM~*r sepatet wwY  I m ovdin ym a! eoyof 
 Q.o   uvqr a I tha NorthCentalm 3tatos. 
         1 woul appreciate roesiving a*y of "% booklet 
on abnormal antler In door. asle. Asa It to available,, th 
r~ort .n dentition of roow4We as an    W*A  to age   If 
posotble. I vould lik, to wseIvo a wislo espy of you 7.3lk 
'book. Ploaso bill me, for ax  dhro on toso plioatioaws, 
                             Yourts siwewly# 
                                  ALDO WP 
Ward Shepard 
To G - Low 3d