424 University Yawm Place 
                                 October 11, 19k41 
Mr. K. S. Tuttle 
V las County Hiway Department 
Nagle River, Wisonsin 
Dear Mr. Tuttle: 
I read the conservation code with interest sad can find 
no flaw in it exoept item two b. I kno of no prospective 
foreign species which holds out an prospect of succeedin 
in your county, and in i opinion it is unsound policy to 
contine to mask  imprtatioa   of this kind. I my, of 
ourse, be wrong, but I think this particular paragraph 
would divert attention from the real issue# namely. taking 
oare of what we have already. 
The native grouse are# as ym say, subject to the cycle, 
"but I am afraid this is a fact which we will have to 
accept and make the best of. 
The other items are all samnd, and I think your friend 
Drager did an extmordinarily good job. 
I am afraid I have no iediate prospect of getting to 
your county, 
                          Yours sincerely, 
                          Aldo Leopold 
                          Profssor of Wildlife )wwsment 
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