bOptOWb  29, 1936 
Prof. Byo Oaig 
University of Arizona 
         At th 01io of Prf. Charles 1. Brwn of our Arheo 
Depatmen.. I -m sonn you tb attache proble      shet *1bc deals 
with a qu.etio of Indanarhelg        in Cta  sma 
         Beor Isua   thi shot to %W ostadns I woldn1 rei 
you verfica~tion of tba list of crp plats *ikik these Indan 
probabl had. I oul  especilly lik your opiina to w~ewh thq 
bad potato**. It to har for me to see how an of the other?" 
         ftsei'bl the p"Ub1m *h1* I proon on this h*       has 
    aleay me worke ou  by arcasle    t   I do not see bower, how 
an valid asontion eol be wore out wi4hra an exesv          nvet 
of the foo habits of tho       q sece pre.wt. 
         If I ma veaipfotqt you   coprton by cotributing 
thn onthi RI.  stio, I would be glad to do so. 
                             Your  sicrey 
         Prfsoro                           am  aagmn