Feb. 25. 1931 
Mr. T. M. Rash 
Yellowstone Park 
Dear Mr. Rushz 
      There are a  n-br of opmirns coiin -3lov in r       birds, 
Wt I do not at the momnt positively ]low of a     openi, In big 
gme research. I wiih you rulId -rite me whether you -ish to 
stick to the lare m      s or 7hether the 5   1 l    field is 
within your range of consideration. 
      About a year &-o the PennsylvaniaĆ½ State Game Commissionz

wanted a technical man to make a game survey of that state, which 
would of course largely deal with their present difficulties -wth 
deer, although it would have to cover other !necies also.  I should 
think you would be well ralifile  for that job. The man .vho Twa 
taling the ix.tter up with me ws W. Gard Conklin, Chief, Bureau of 
Rekes and Lfnds, Board of Game Cissioners, Harrisburg, Penn- 
sylvania. I think there is a splendid o-nortunity In Pennsylvania 
and I believe I wonld write them if I were you. 
      I supose you h.ave already inquired whether Dr. -'.11 has an 
openings unler the MoSweeneyĆ½!!eflary Bill. As nearly as I !nio, 
they are all filled at present. 
      I would like to have a talk with you nometie, but In the 
meanwhile please -rite me your reaction to the above prelminAwry 
      I io not think you have to worry abmit something reasonably 
attractive opienln up within a re3sonble time. 
                               Yours sincerely, 
                                       ATDO L7OPOLTD 
                                 In Charg7e, Game Survey