Hunters Propose Amendment 
                      TO PENDING GAME BILL 
                                   (Senate Bill No. 91) 
  The amendment providing "that 75C 
from each small game license and 
$1.50 from each deer license shall be 
credited to a separate fund to be 
known as the Game Refuge and Shoot- 
ing Grounds Fund to be immediately 
available to the Department of Con- 
servation for the purchase, acquisition 
equipment, maintenance, supervision 
and control of Game Refuges with Pub- 
lic  Shooting  Grounds   immediately 
surrounding the same" has been intro- 
duced as an amendment to the pending 
Game Bill. 
  This ,is the same amendment that was 
passed by the sportsmen at their con- 
ference with the Conservation Depart- 
ment on Dec. 3rd and 4th 
  The bill introduced in the Senate 
By the   Department of Conservation 
(Senate Bill No. 91) ignores the amend- 
ment made by the conference. It pro- 
vides "that the money derived from the 
sale of hunting licenses shall be used to 
pay the salaries of the Director of Cqn- 
servation and his assistants together with 
the expenses of enforcing the fish, game 
and fur laws." We now have this same 
law, and always have had. After the 
constantly increasing departmental sal- 
aries and expenses are paid, little re- 
mains for constructive game conSer- 
vation. That is why a new deal is neces- 
  The delegates attending the Game 
Conference came on the invitation of 
the Director of Conservation. Some of 
them traveled seven hundred miles. They 
were from nearly every part of the state. 
The game areas were especially well 
represented:  These  delegates  repre- 
sented the Hunters of Michigan--creat- 
ors of the annual $500,000 license fund. 
These delegates went into regular ses- 
sion with a delegate appointed by the 
Director of Conservation presiding. The 
game bill was taken up section by sec- 
tion, debated, voted on, passed or de- 
feated. Each section was approved or 
disapproved by well defined decisions. 
When the section relating to the use of 
the hunting license money was reached, 
the amendment above cited was placed 
before the conference. The commission 
vigorously opposed it. One commission- 
er asserted fhat they did not wish to be 
"hog tied" by any such amendment. 
Though the amendment was opposed, it 
was admitted on all sides that the Game 
Refuge-Public Hunting Ground sys- 
tem was the proper system. The vote 
on the amendment showed a clear ma- 
jority in its favor. 
  It now seems that the Conservation 
Commission reserved the right to accept 
or reject the mandates of the game con- 
ference. If the ideas of the representa- 
tives of the sportsmen did not coincide 
with those of the commission, such ideas 
were to be thrown into the discard. It 
really perplexes one to understand what 
purpose this conference was intended to 
serve. If the commission is going to do 
as it pleases anyhow, why take the trouble 
to confer with the sportsmen. 
  Our members of the legislature are the 
ones who will make the final decision 
They are our direct representatives, and 
they have the power to say that our 
license money shall be used for construc- 
tive game conservation; that we shall have 
places where game can breed, around 
which there shall be places to hunt- 
Game Refuges, Surrounded by Public 
Hunting Grounds. It is up to the license 
buyer to bring the importance of this 
amendment to his members of the legis- 
lature. Write them telling them that 
you favor the amendment which divides 
the license fee; one part to be used to 
secure and operate Game Refuges, Sur- 
rounded by Public Hunting Grounds. 
  Remember this amendment was ap- 
proved by delegates from the Northern 
Michigan Sportsmen's Association, the 
Michigan  Conservation  Congress, the 
Will H. Dilg League, the Holland Fish 
and Game Club, the Owosso Conserva- 
tion Club and other delegates, and that 
it has since been approved by the mem- 
bership of these clubs, and the Harbor 
Beach  Game Conservation    Club, the 
Chase-Benjamin Gun Club of Alpena (one 
of the oldest sportsmen clubs in Michi- 
gan), and others. 
  Write your Senators and Representa- 
tives NOW. 
  The individual and collective support 
of this amendment by the sportsmen is 
justified and necessary. 
             DEVOTED TO 