45 Corner School and Locust. 
46  Corner S. Franklin and Union. 
47 Corner Park av. and Galena. 
48 Corner Oak and S. Jackson. 
49 Corner Holmes and S. Jackson. 
51 Corner N. Jackson and W. Milwaukee. 
52 Corner Center and Western ave. 
53 Monterey Woolen Mills. 
54  Corner North and Center av. 
55 Corner S. Pearl and North. 
56 Corner Pleasant and Pearl. 
57 Corner Pleasant and Arch. 
58 Corner W. Bluff and N. Chatham. 
61 McKey blvd. and Eastern av. 
62 S. Jackson and Riverside. 
64 Corner S. River and Galena. 
65 Eastern av. and S. Cherry. 
66 Choate & Hollister Works, McKey blvd. and George pl. 
67 S. Terrace and Grand av. 
91 Janesville Electric Co. Fourth av. 
92 Rock River Woolen Mill. Monterey. 
93 Hough Porch Shade Works. 
94 Hanson Furniture (o. 
95 Gas Works. 
121 Highland av. and N. Chatham. 
131 Magnolia av. and N. Washington. 
151 Corner Wall and N. Washington. 
161 School for the Blind. 
222 Corner Milton and St. Mary's avs. 
232 Corner Prairie av. and Walker. 
261 Corner Hickory and Walker. 
311 Corner Jackman and Oakland av. 
313  Corner S. Garfield av. and Carrington. 
414 Corner Chestnut and Washington av. 
421 Corner Pleasant, High and Cherry. 
515 Five Points-Intersection of Center av., Pleasant, West 
Milwaukee and Madison. 
Where keys are kept-Keys to open the doors of all boxes 
are kept in a little box fastened to the pole by the side of the 
street box, the box having a glass cover. 
Directions for sending in fire alarms-In case of fire go to 
the nearest street box break the glass cover of the key box, 
take the key from the hook and place it in the door of the 
street box, which has a spring lock and is easily worked. 
The lock being released, open the door. Place the index fin- 
ger over the little brass hook or lug projecting from the slot 
near the top of the inner door, pull the hook down quickly, 
but steadily, to the bottom of the slot and let go immediately. 
The hook will fly back to its original place and the fire depart 
ment will do the rest. Persons turning in an alarm should 
remain at the box until the arrival of the department for the