OLIN & OLSON                       19 W. Milwaukee St 
JANESVILLE DIRECTORY                247 
Shawvan S. John, corn. trav. h. 1425 Ruger av.              C 
Shay Dennis lab. h. 71 S. Fraklin. 
S]3A1= Den Ilb , mason, builder and dealer in brick, lime, 
cement, etc. 63-65 S. River, h. 1118 Mineral Pt. av. (see 
*  I   adv. front cover).                                      r 
2   Shearer John J. bkpr. Bower City Bank, h. 1118 Mineral Pt. av. 
* 4Shearer Louise, teacher Washington School, h. 1118 Mineral 
I   Pt. av. 
ma     SHE   OYGAN FALLS MUTUAL FM           InS. 00. Geo. A. 
U Jacobs, agt. 18 W. Milwaukee. 
Sheedy Frances, milliner, h. 22 N High. 
W     Sheehan Charlotte J. nurse, 18 Sinclair, h. same. 
&     Sheehan Edward J. h. 182 S. Jackson. 
j)    Sheffield Lucy, elk. h. 453 Madison. 
.   6  Sheffield Mary (wid. Ephraim) h. 453 Madison. 
Shekey Albert H. engnr. C. & N. W. Ry. h. 409 Center av. 
*   Shekey Joseph H. engnr. C. & N. W. Ry. h. 426 Center av. 
Sheldon Fred S. pres-treas. Sheldon Hardware Co. h. 1002 Mil- jA 
waukee av.                                              WU 
S HELDON KA3WWAIN 00. Fred S. Sheldon, pres-treas; M. 
F. Sheldon, v.pres; Samuel M. Smith, sec. 6 S. Main. 
Sheldon Harry W. (James R. Sheldon & Son) h. 428 4th av. 
Sheldon James R. (James R. Sheldon & Son) h. 446 Caroline.  
Sheldon James R. & Son (James R. and Harry W. Sheldon) 
-grocers, 446 Caroline. 
Sheldon Mabel F. Mrs. v-pres. Sheldon Hardware Co. h. 1002 
Milwaukee av. 
hoW    Shepard Charles T. h. 215 N. Terrace. 
Sherburn Hal L. brake. C. M. & St. P. Ry. 519 Locust. 
Sherer Clara B. Miss, h. 238 Madison. 
m~ Sherer Ernestine (wid. Peter) h. 518 Lincoln. 
Sherer Helen C. (wid. Frank) h. 408 N. Jackson. 
SH       Willam T. druggist, 201 W. Milwaukee, h. 238 Mad-  ..% 
0 SH IUDAN 305. (John J. and Edward Sheridan) livery, 
16-18 N. Franklin (see adv. front cover). 
Sheridan Edward (Sheridan Bros.) h. 509 School. 
Sheridan Frapk, student, h. 265 S. Jackson. 
Sheridan James, saloon, 18 S. River, h. 265 S. Jackson. 
Sheridan Johb, student, h. 265 S. Jackson. 
Sheridan John J. (Sheridan Bros.) h. 411 S. Jackson. 
Sheridan Josephine, elk. 20 S. Main, h. 538 Prairie av. 
,      Sheridan Myrtle Mrs. h. 305 W. Milwaukee.                  ICY 
Sheridan Nellie (wid. Daniel) h. 803 S. Main. 
MILWAUK               WI.            -