,k    Expefl Watchmakers 
BLA     WILLIAM  R. architect, 25 W. Milwaukee, h. 15 N. 
Blake Ella G. seamstress, h. 170 S. Franklin. 
Blakely Caleb J. mail carrier, h. 811 Glan. 
Blakely Fred N. (Bower City Bill Posting Co.) h. 932 Glen. 
Blanchard B. Frank, prop Globe Works Co. h. 403 Lincoln. 
Blanchard Ellen E. Miss, h. 745 Milton av. 
BLANOHARD ZINZY K. lawyer, 14, 9 W. Milwaukee, h. 167 
Blanchard Rosina E. Miss, h. 745 Milton av. 
Blaschke Anna, waitress, h. 320 N. High. 
Blaschke Ernest, carpenter, h. 635 Hickory. 
Blatz Val Brewing Co. Henry J. Casey agt. 606 Wall. 
Blay Charles W. mason contr. 159 Linn, h. same. 
Blay George W. h. 713 North. 
Bleasdale Benjamin, tank mnfr. h. 218 Madison. 
bleasdale John W. (Western Mnfg. Co.) h. Town Janesville. 
Bleecker LeRoy, tinner, h. Interurban Hotel. 
Bleedorn Bertha, teacher, h. 1103 Milton av. 
Bleedorn Sophia (wid. Charles) h. 1103 Milton av. 
Blish Anna (wid. Albert) h. 228 Racine. 
Blish Harry, painter, h. 228 Racine. 
Blish Ida, mach-opr. h. 228 Racine. 
Bliss Clare S. v-pres. Gazette Printing Co. h. 120 Jackman. 
Bliss Harry H. see. Gazette Printing Co. h. 120 Jackman. 
Bliss Howard F. pres-treas. Gazette Printing Co. h. 121 Court. 
Bliss Ina Miss, h. 176 S. Jackson. 
Bliss James H. h. 418 S. Bluff. 
Bliss Jay H. elk. 201 W. Milwaukee, h. 217 Dodge. 
Block John W. tmstr. 101 W. High, h. 412 N. Chatham. 
Block Theresa, boxmkr. h. 412 N. Chatham. 
Block Walter, lunchman, h. 412 N. Chatham. 
.Blodgett Frank H. pres. The Blodgett Milling Co. h. 825 Court. 
Blodgett George, tmstr. b. 735 Hickory. 
Blodgett Marion Miss, h. 825 Court. 
BLODGITT MILLNG 00. THI Frank H. Blodgett pres., D. 
W. Holmes see-treas. 118 N. River. 
Bloedel Frank C. (Bloedel & Rice) h. 1011 Olive. 
Bloedel Otto F. painter, h. 621 N. Chatham. 
Bloedel.& Rice (Frank C. Bloedel and Walter J. Rice) painters 
35 S. Main. 
Bloodorn Edward, lab. h. 1002 S. Washington. 
Bloedow Agnes, domestic 1408 Pleasant. 
Blow Charles, painter, h. 115 Madison. 