The Association of 
American Directory Publishers 
W. II. LEE. President             A. V. WILLIAMS. Vice-President 
W. H. BATES. Secretarn-Treas. 
W. E. MURDOCK. Boston          W.t. BA IES. New 1 ork 
R. "i. I)ONNELLEt. Chicago    W. ". LEE. New Haven 
A. V. WILLIAMS. Cincinnati    R. L. POLK, Detroit 
E. i. GOULDI, St. Louis      J. L. HILL, Richmond 
Secretar)'s Office, 87-91 Third Avenue, New York 
The Association of American I)irectory PIublishers is composed 
of reputable City l)irect,,ry Publishers, organized foir the general 
a(lvancellent if tlhe D)irectory business. Any person. cortoration or 
firm engagzed in business as owner and publisher of a City )irectory in 
the United States iir Canada, w0h( shall qualify as co mpetent to gather

information and compile a City Directory and furnish satisfactory 
references, is eligible t,, membership. 
The obhjects of the Association are 
First. The advancement of the lDirectory business and the im- 
provenment of I )irectiries hy the interchange (if ideas and tile exchange

otf experienced enlployes. 
Second. To prolvide protection to the public against fraudulent 
advertising schemes which operate under the name of Direc. 
tories, and to drive unprincipled promoters of the saulle ult of the 
Third. To pro vide permnaent and protitable employment to corn- 
petent, industrious and honest [)irectiry canvassers and compilers. 
Fourth. For the ntutual protection iandl advancement of the 
established and prospect'ive interests of all who may become members, 
by personal advice and assistance of members as may lie mutually 
satisfactory, desirable or advisable, and by such tither means as may, 
from time to time, be shown to he wise, prioper and l\\flal. 
$100.00 Reward              Will be paid by the Association for 
the arrest and conviction of any 
person or persons engaged in publishing, collecting or can- 
vassing, for an  fraudulent or fake directory. 
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