Janesville Recorder and Times, issued weekly (Thursday); $1,- 
00 per year. The Recorder Publishing Co., pubs.; 5-7 S. 
Western Star Lodge No. 14, F. & A. M..-Claude J. Hendricks, 
W. M. - Charles H. Lange, L. W.: John Shearer, J. W.; A. 
C. Thorpe, see.; J. R. Whiffen, treas. Meets 1st and 3d 
Tuesdays in Masonic Temple. 
Janesville Lodge No. 55, F. & A. M.-Fred Ehrlinger, W. M.; 
Leo Brownell, S. W.; W. E. Ilyzer. J. W., S. I. Iutchinson, 
treas.: II. A. Moeser, see. Meets 2d and 4th Mondays at 
Masonic Temple. 
Janesville Chapter No. 5, R. A. M.-Geo. R. Farmer, E. H. P.; 
R. J. Hart, K.; 11. A. Griffey, S.;'James A. Fathers, see.; 
James Shearer, treas. Regular convocations 1st and 3d 
Thursdays at Masonic Temple. 
Janesville Conxmandery No. 2, K. T.-D. Q. Grabill, E. C.; J. 
Trahin. G.: Geo. R. Farmer, C. G.; II. L. MeNamara, tress.; 
F. II. Baaek, rec. Meets 2d and 4th Thursday at Masonic 
1. 0. 0. F. 
Wisconsin Lodge No. 14.-F. I. Koebelin, N. G.: Chas. L. 
Mohr, V. G.: Howard W. Lee, rec..-see.: C. W. Schwartz, 
finan.-see.: F. 11. Jackman. treas. Meets Mondays in East 
Side 1. 0. 0. F. flail. 
Janesville City Lodge No. 90-Chas. Ward, N. G.: E. E. Jones, 
V. G.: J. W. Van Beynum. ree.-sec.: A. M. Church, finan.- 
see.; A. F. Watson, treas. Meets Tuesdays in West Side I. 
0. 0. F. Hall. 
Rock River Encampment No. 3-U. *E. Gleason, C. P.: C. J. 
Hendricks, H. P.; 11. Kramer, S. W.: G. 11. Webster, scribe; 
A. I. Taylor, finan.-sec.: F. I. Koebelin, treas.; J. W. Van 
Beynum, J. W. Meets Ist and 3d Fridays in East Side I. 0. 
0. F. Hall. 
Canton Janesville No. 9-Walter S. Kerry. com.: J. W. 
Van Beynum, lieut.: W. Z. Winbigler, ensign: James A. 
Fathers, elk.. W. H. Blair, treas. Meets 2d and 4th Fridays 
in West Side I. 0. 0. F. Hall. 
American Lodge No. 26-Minnie Blow, N. G.: Ila Daly, V. G.; 
Beatrice Preller, rec.-sec.: Mae Smith, finan.-see.; Lillian 
Schwartz, treas. Meets 2d and 4th Saturdays in East Side 
I. 0. 0. F. Hall. 
Janesville Lodge No. 171-Victoria Potter, N. G.; Carrie Glenn, 
V. G.; Belle White, rec.-sec.: Alice Chase, finan..ec.; Flor- 
ence Watson, treas. Meets 1st and 3d Thursday@ in West 
Side I. 0. 0. F. Hall.