Ututuir of FA MOUS 
C. DRAYCarbonated Waters 
JANESVILLE DIRECTORY                 3o 4    . P 
Siebert Paul, lab. h. 318 N. Pearl. 
ifER         M     M    F. helper, h. 818 N. Pearl. 
Siedlewski Mary, domestic 1002 Mineral Pt. av. 
Siegel Thomas F. saloon, 10 S. River, h. 420 S. Franklin. 
Sievers Otto, lab. h. 122 Charles.                             ' 
Sievert Mrank mach. h. 157 Locust 
Sievert Herman, eementwkr. h. 236 N. Chatham. 
Sievert Martha, weaver, h. 209 Locust. 
Sievert William, h. 209 Locust. 
j   Si6 well George A. eab-mkr, h. 624 Prairie av. 
Sigwell Louis, mach-hd. h. 624 Prairie av. 
Sigwell Martha C. Miss, h. 624 Prairie av. 
LL   Simmons Claud, lab. h. 734 Railroad. 
Simmons Henry, carp. h. 734 Railroad. 
Simmons Merton L. lab. h. 734 Railroad. 
IL      Simmons Roy, lab. h. 734 Railroad. 
oat     Simonson Carl, foreman, Doty's Mill, h. 1015 Hickory. 
Simpson George D. (Simpson's) h. 502 S. 8d. 
W Simpson Isabelle (wid. Robert) h. 312 N. 1st. 
Simpson John, elk. 4 8. Main, h. 312 N. 1st. 
Simpson Robert H. sales. h. 811 Glen. 
SMIM    NIS (George D. Simpson) ready-to-wear garments, 4 
S. Main, and millinery, 18 E. Milwaukee. 
INGER SEWING MAS[ClE 00. A. R. Steele, mngr. 126 
Corn Exchange. 
Skavlem Halvor L. County Commissioner of Highways, h. 605 
Prospeet av.                                            9 
KA VLJEK LOUIS N. pictures and pianos, 11 S. Main, h. 605 
Prospect av. 
Skelly Amanda (wid. Charles) h. 704 Milwaukee av. 
Skelly Emma Miss, h. 115 N. Jackson. 
Skelly 1lorence Miss, h. 712 Milwaukee av. 
OZILY [GROOEY 00. Wm. J. Baumann, pres; F. S. Sear- 
cliff, v-pres; Harry R. Day, see-treas. 11-13 S. Jackson. 
Skelly James, h. 511 Lincoln. 
Skelly Louise (wid. Daniel) h. 715 5th av. 
Skelly Mary (wid. Thomas) h. 303 Locust. 
Skelly Richard, h. 126 Corn Exchange. 
0       Skelly Sadie C. Miss, h. 704 Milwaukee av. 
K KELY WLLARD J. books, stationery, etc. 107 W. Mil- 
waukee, h. 712 Milwaukee av. 
Skinner Annie M. elk. h. 1425 Linden av. 
Skinner Jephtha A. carp. h. 1425 Linden av. 
Skinner Lottie R. teacher, h. 1425 Linden av. 
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