Helpful Circle of First Baptist Church-Mrs. J. L. Taylor, pros.; 
Miss Blanche Knowles, sec.; Mrs. R. Curler, tres. Meets on 
call of pres. 
Helping Hand Society of United Brethren in Christ-Mrs. R. L. 
Cary, pres.; Mrs. L. A. McIntyre, treas. Meets each Thurs- 
day in church parlor. 
King's Daughters of First Baptist Church-Mrs. W. L. Stod- 
dard, pres.; Mrs. Woodruff, see.; Mrs. C. H. Selmer, tress. 
Meets alternate Thursday at church parlors. 
Ladies' Aid Society of Cargill Memorial M. E. Church-Mrs. F. 
Dunwiddie, pres.: Mrs. F. Humphrey, see.; Mrs. W. Maltby, 
treas. Meets at church every 3d Tuesday. 
Ladies' Aid Society of First Baptist Church-Mrs. Albert Wat- 
son, pres.; Mrs. A. D. Foster, see.; Miss Lucy Chapman, 
treas. Meets Wednesdays in church parlors. 
Ladies' Aid Society of First Presbyterian Church-Mrs. L. A. 
Sherman, pres.; Mrs. Mary Horn, sec.; Mrs. Henry Hanson, 
treas. Meets every Friday at church parlors. 
Ladies' Aid Society of Norwegian Lutheran Church-Mrs. Ed- 
ward Erickson, pres.: Mrs. W. A. Johnson, see. Meets alter- 
nate Thursdays at church. 
Ladies' Aid Society of St. Patrick's Church-Dean Eugene E. 
Reilly, pres., Mrs. Mary Morris, v.-pres.; Mrs. Mary Hayes, 
sec.-treas. Meets at call of pres. at St. Patrick's Church. 
Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church-Mrs. H. 
Zahn, pres.; Mrs. G. Kerl, v.-pres.; Mrs. A. Hager, sec.; Mrs. 
G. Lagermann, treas. Meets 1st Wednesday at members' 
Ladies' Sewing Society of St. Paul's Lutheran" Church-Mis 
Mary Schaller, pres.; Mrs. H. Lemke, v.-pres.; Mrs. Win. 
Kuhlow, see.: Mrs. C. J. Koerner, treas. Meets 1st Thurs- 
day at members' homes. 
Ladies' Society of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church- 
Mrs. F. Broege, pres.; Mrs. 11. Moeser, sec.-treas. Meets 
last Sunday, 3 p. m., at church. 
League of the Sacred Heart of St. Mary's Church-Rev. Win. 
A. Goebel, dir. Meets 4th Sunday, 7 p. m., in chapel. 
Married Ladies' Sodality of St. Mary's Church-Mrs. A. Jerg, 
pres.; Mrs. J. Burns, see. Mrs. W. Ford, see. Meets 3d 
Sunday at chapel. 
Men's Brotherhood of First Presbyterian Church-I. F. Wor. 
tendyke, pres.: Oscar Athon. see.; B. C. Jackson, treas. 
Meets last Friday in each month in church parlors. 
Men's Club of First Baptist Church-E. C. Bailey, pres.; W. B. 
Conrad, sec.-treas. Meets 3d Thursday in each month at the 
Men's Society of Norwegian Lutheran Church-Rev. W. A. 
Johnson, pres.; Alfred Gunness, sec.; Carl Gunnen, treas. 
Meets 1st Friday of each month at church.