important Notice:
The following Caslon Quaint Characters, in common use in William Caslon's
time, have been preserved in their original form, but are not furnished with
the regular fonts. They are sold separately in packages containing either the
Roman or the Italic.
QUAINT CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstyle No. 471
ffffflf ffi bffi fk fl fi ft &

6 Point, i z characters
8 Point, i i characters
9 Point, i i characters
zo Point, II characters
x x Point, x i characters
az Point, i characters
14 Point, i i characters
18 Point, ii characters

- .35
*  .40
*  .40
*  .40
*  .50

22 Point, i i characters ....
24 Point, i i characters ....
30 Point, i i characters ....
36 Point, iI characters ....
42 Point, long s and ct only ( f 6t
48 Point, long s and ct only ( f a)
6o Point, long s and ct only (f a.)

QUAINT CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. 47'

6 Point, i i characters
8 Point, i x characters
9 Point, x i characters
io Point, i i characters
x i Point, i i characters
2 Point, ri characters
14 Point, ixI characters

*  .40
*  .40
- '45

18 Point, is characters . ...      $o. 50
22 Point, Ii characters .. ...... 50
24 Point, i x characters ... ...... 50
30 Point, i characters ...   ...... 50
36 Point, long s, sk, ct only ( fJ  )  .30
42 Point, long a and ct only (f a  .  .20
48 Point, long s and ct only (fa) .  .20

These Characters are made in both Roman and Italic to line with the original
Caslon Oldstyle No. 471 up to and including 3o-point, and in the Roman
only for 36-point. Only the charactersf,jk and c8 are made for 36-point Caslon
Oldstyle Italic No. 47 1, and only the f and d are made for the Caslon Oldstyle
Roman No. 471 from 42-point to 6o-point inclusive; and only the characters
f and 8 for 42-point and 48-point Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. 47 1.
SWASH CHARACTERS for use with Caslon Oldstyle Italic No. 471

6 Point, per font      $0.75
8 Point, per font      .75
9 Point, per font      .75
io Point, per font       y.oo
ii Point, per font        I.OO

12 Point, per font       $i.oo
14 Point, per font    .    i.oo
x8 Point, per font         1.25
22 Point, per font         1.25

24 Point, per font
30 Point, per font
36 Point, per font
42 Point, per font
48 Point, per font

*  .6o
