Table 30.    Ammonium/Nitrate Contents in August 1994 Samples at Sites from Studies 1985
             & 1979.

 Site Number   Septic Tank  Well BG       Well #1       Well #2      Well #3

 Conc.         NH4+ NO3- NH44- NO3-- NH44- NO3-- NH44- NO3-- NH4+- NO3--
 (gg/mL)       -N    N      N      N      N      N      N     N      N      N

 S-1 (Mound)   145.2 6.19   1.23   1.86   1.39   14.36  1.12  6.94    1.07  3.28

 S-3 (Dosing)  41.67 5.14   1.03   0.93   0.91   8.76   1.18   1.64  0.87   2.41

 S-6 (Conv'l)  Not found    1.05   0.97   1.04   1.12   0.91   1.02   1.01  0.91

 S-8 (Conv'l)  Not found    1.03   0.93   1.42   8.65   0.95  3.68    1.21  1.61

 S-9 (Dosing)  55.73 4.41   1.14   1.38   1.12   28.37  1.14   15.93  1.09  4.08

 S-10 (Mound) 64.61 5.33    0.92   1.85   1.45   5.37   1.20  3.17   0.95   1.63

 S-12 (Dosing) 42.14 3.76   1.56   1.24   2.96   23.51  1.83   12.48 2.71   8.72

 S-13 (Conv'l) 83.74 4.85   1.02   1.27   Removed       Removed      0.97   10.26

 S-14 (Mound) 76.35 3.22    1.08   1.47   1.56   28.65  1.13   16.84 0.94   4.59

 S-15 (Mound) 100.2 28.64   1.10   1.34   1.08   20.03  1.02   11.40 1.35   5.69

 3-78 (Mound) 113.3 12.51   0.97   1.19   1.14   3.85   1.02  3.73   1.56   2.08

1.    Well BG= Background well; Conv'l = Conventional septic system, Dosing =
      Conventional system with a pump chamber and dosing system, and Mound = Mound-
      type system.
2.     Sites with available wells were sampled August 17-21, 1994.
3.    Ammonium and nitrate nitrogen (NH4+-N, NO3-N) were determined using the direct
       steam distillation method of Bremner and Keeney (1965) with 5 mL of effluent or 20 mL
       of groundwater per sample.