Table 35.    Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Contents in October 1993 Samples at Sites from Studies
             1985 & 1979.

 Site          Septic Tank   Well BG      Well #1       Well #2       Well #3
 Number        Effluent

                The Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) concentration (jtg/mL)

 S-1 (Mound)   181.58        3.32         9.33          8.16          9.59

 S-3 (Dosing)  87.56         3.12         9.36          6.93          4.85

 S-6 (Conv'l)  Not found     2.18         2.08          2.38          2.43

 S-8 (Conv'l)  Not found     3.12         3.62          2.67          3.40

 S-9 (Dosing)  74.10         3.97         Not found     3.91          Not found

 S-10 (Mound) 52.78          3.32         7.27          6.36          3.53

 S-12 (Dosing) 54.93        Not found     6.51          5.57          4.99

 S-13 (Conv'l) 87.39        2.49          Not found     Not found     5.08

 S-14 (Mound) 185.42        3.68          Not found     Not found     Not found

 S-15 (Mound) 78.20         2.81          Not found     Not found     Not found

 3-78 (Mound) 114.89         3.31         5.65          4.32          3.75



Well BG = Background well; Conv'l = Conventional septic system, Dosing =
Conventional system with a pump chamber and dosing system, and Mound = Mound-
type system.
Sites with available wells were sampled October 26 & 29-31, 1993.
Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN) was determined using the semimicro Kjeldahl procedure
of Bremner and Keeney (1966) with 5 mL of effluent or 20 mL of groundwater per