GOLD AND SILVE.It 83FIGURE 5.—Prlncipal mining districts In the Philippine

in 1915 the first of a long series of dividends was paid. In 1940 the company
produced 154,922 fine ounces of gold and 102,738 fine ounces of silver from
467,130 tons of ore mined in the Baguio district; the ore was treated in
the company 1,250-ton cyanide plant. Positive ore reserves January 1, 1941,
assured 1 year's operation, and probable ore, 2 additional years. Dividends
for 1940 were $3,900,000.
 The Balatoc Mining Co.,6 another member of the Haussermann group of companies,
is also situated in the Baguio district. In 1940, when 187,282 ounces of
gold and 165,321 ounces of silver were recovered from 738,716 tons of ore,
it was .the leading gold producer of the Islands the ore was treated in a
2,000-ton flotation-cyanidation
$ See also Hezzeiwood, George W., Development of Mining Methods at Balatoc
Mine: Mm. Technol.,
Am. Inst. Misi. and Met. Eng., voL 6, No.1, ~aauary 1942, pp. 1-27.