siliceous ore. The tonnage of Ore of ~all cusses aggregated 126,878 (92,630
tons was siliceous ore), which had the following metal content:
6,194 ounces of gold, 1,656,180 ounces of silver, 1,236,937 pounds of copper,
and 13,186,346 pounds of lead; the siliceous ore averaged 2.5 percent lead.
In addition, 31,673 tons of siliceous material from the Harold dump were
shipped crude to Garfield; it contained over 1,000,000 pounds of lead. Development
during 1941 totaled 5,669 feet. of drifts and raises and 66 feet of shafts.
During the year the lead ore shipped was higher m lead content, but substantially
lower in silver; in the siliceous ores, the content of gold and silver was
lower. Active mines in the Utah County section of the Tintic district, owned
or controlled by the International Smelting & Refining Co. and its subsidiaries,
were the Eureka Bullion, May Day (Mountain View), North Lily, Tintic Bullion,
and Yankee.
 West T'intic distrwt —Crude lead ore from the Scotia mme, operated
by a lessee, comprised the output from the West Tintic district in 1941.


 Detroit district;—Siiceous gold ore shipped direct to a smelter comprised
the output from the Millard County section of the Detroit district in 1941.
The Charm mine was the principal producer.


 Argenta distrwt —Crude lead ore shipped direct to a smelter, principally
from the Dan Hemers claim, comprised the output from the Argenta district
in 1941.


 Gold Mountain district.—Lessees operating the property of Annie Laurie
Consolidated Gold Mines, only producer in the Gold Mountain district .in
1941, shipped 1,623 tons of gold ore to a smelter.
 Mount Baldy district .—The property of the Deer Trail Mining Co.,
only producer in the Mount Baldy district in 1941, was operated by a lessee
from July to the end of the year; 451 tons of siliceous ore were shipped
direct to a smelter.
 Ohio district.—Siiceous ore shipped crude to a smelter from the Bully
Boy property of the American Mineral Products Co. was the only production
from the Ohio district in 1941.


 Big and Little Cottonwood districts.—Lessees operated the Cardiff
property in the Big Cottonwood district during 1941 and shipped 644 tons
of ore—152 tons of lead ore, 368 tons of copper ore, and 124 tons of
zinc-lead ore. The output from the Mountain Mines Co. property, second-largest
producer in the district in 1941, totaled 200 tons of ore shipped crude to
a smelter; the company completed the lower development tunnel and made contact
with vein at 2,000-foot depth. Other producers in the district were the Utah-Kentucky
Mines Co. and the Tar Baby Mining Co.; both shipped crude ore to a smelter.
 Silver-lead ore, lead-copper ore, and copper ore shipped crude to a smelter
comprised the output of the Little Cottonwood district in 1941.