The Jefferson Placers and 0. A. Barnes operated dry-land dredges on Clancëy
Creek and Holmes Creek, respectively. A total of 28,700 cubic yards of gravel
was washed, which averaged about 75 cents in value of recoverable gold per
cubic yard The remamder of the placer production in the district came from
sluicing, chiefly in Lump Gulch The lode production was ore shipped crude
to smelters, it came from the Frohner, Our Ticket 45, Panama, and Paragraph
 Colorado district —Eathorne & Fox, again the leading producers
in the Colorado district, treated zinc-lead tailings from the Alta dump m
1941 The mill, which treated 29,607 tons of tailings in 1941, made
1,391 tons of lead concentrates and 40 tons of zinc concentrates The Blue
Bird mine shipped crude to Washoe 2,038 tons of gold-silver ore containing
714 ounces of gold and 20,884 ounces of silver Other mines active in 1941
included the Buckeye, Blizzard, Custer, and Pen Yan
 El/thorn district —The only production m the Elkhorn district in 1941
was lead ore and gold ore shipped crude to smelters from the C & D, Elkhorn,
Klondyke, and Little Goldie mines
 Golconda district —The output from the Golconda district in 1941 was
gold, silver, and lead ores shipped crude to smelters
 Homestake district —Gold and gold-silver ore shipped direct to smelters
formed the lode mine output in 1941 The Payrock mine was the largest producer
Some gold was recovered by sluicing on Betty Creek
 Lowland district —Placer gold comprised the bulk of the output from
the Lowland district in 1941, and the Kit Carson Placers produced virtually
the entire output The company operated a dry—land dredge from May through
September and washed 17Q000 cubic yards of gold-bearing gravel, which averaged
22 cents per cubic yard m recoverable gold In addition, the company removed
354,000 cubic yards of overburden preparatory to dredging Lode production
came from the Montreal and Infinite groups.
- - Mitchell disrict~—~Gol& ore shipped-crudcrto smelters was the
out- -— put from the Mitchell district in 1941.
 Warm Springs district.—Gold-silver ore was shipped crude to a smelter
from the Greenleaf dump in 1941.
 Whitehall district.—The Golden Sunlight mine, operated by lessees,
was the largest producer m the Whitehall district in 1941, it shipped 5,105
tons of gold ore containing 3,075 ounces of gold and 4,142 ounces of silver
Among the other producers were the Florence, Lucky Hit, Ivans, and Sunny
Corner mines.
 Willow Creek district —The output from the Willow Creek district in
1941 was lead ore shipped crude to a smelter and gold ore amalgamated and
concentrated from the Callahan group (Deer Horn)


 Barker di~trict.—The output of the Barker district in 1941 was lead
ore shipped crude to East Helena from the Glendennin grou~p and the Marcelliné
and Silver & Bell mines.
 Yogo district.—Gold ore from the Gold Bug~mine and copper ore from
the Blue Dick mine, shipped crude to Washoe, comprised the only output in
the Yogo district in 1941.