cal plant to treat tungsten-bearing psiomelane. Smaller but unportant producers
in 1941 were Nevada Scheelite, Inc., operating the Leonard mine in Mineral
County; Tungsten Metals Corporation, operating the Scheelite Chief, Oriole,
Evèritt, and Silver Bell mines in White Pine County; and Lincoln Mines,
Inc., operating the TernPiute mine in Lincoln County. At the Leonard mine
the shaft was extended 150 feet, a station was cut on the 200-foot level,
and 400 feet of drifting were done. Of the other.smaller producing mines
in 1941, the largest were the Tungsten Minerals, Hifi Top, and Cherry Creek
in White Pine County; Ajax and Gun Metal in Mineral County; Contact Group
in Pershing County; Comet in Lincoln County; and Star in Elko County.
 New Mexico.—Small quantities (50 units) of tungsten concentrates were
produced at two localities in New Mexico in 1941—near Gage, Luna County,
and White Oaks, Lincoln County.
 So'uth Dakota.—A small quantity of ore containing ferberite and scheelite
was produced at the Mineral Ridge property near Hill City, Pennington County.
 Utah.—Shiprnents from Utah were 44 short tons of scheelite averaging
about 41 percent W03 in 1941 compared with 14 tons averaging 59.43 percent
W03 in 1940. Although production came from opera-. tions in Beaver, Box Elder,
Juab, Millard, and Tooele Counties, about three-fourths was from the Estelle
mine in Tooele County and the Lone Pine mine in Box Elder. Mills were installed
in Juab County near Delta by the Apex Tungsten Mining & Milling Co.;
near Lucin, Box Elder County, by Massae Tungsten Mining Corporation; ~nd
near Milford, Beaver County, by the Prosper Mining Co. The tungsten ore body
at the Prosper Mining Co. was discovered in October 1940, and in January
1941 part of it was leased to the Nevada-Massachusetts Co., which did considerable
development work. In December 1941 the entire ore body and mill were leased
to the Nevada-Massachusetts Co., which plans to remodel and greatly enlarge
the mill. According to an announcement (March 26, 1942) of the Metals Reserve
Co., "a re-treatment plant will be erected in Utah which will permit the
utilization of large tonnages of low-grade concentrates, much of which has
hitherto net been recovered. Arrangements are being made for direct purchase
of production from small producers."
 Washington.—Shipments of tungsten concentrates from Washington were
121 short tons averaging 33f91 percent W03 in 1941 compared with 92 tons
averaging 48.68 percent W03 m 1940. The bulk of the production came from
the Germania mine near Fruitland, Stevens County, where the General Electric
Co. worked over surface float and tailings to recover 32 short tons of wolframite
concentrates averaging 65 percent W03 and 75 tons of woiframite jig concentrates
averaging 14 percent W03 no new development was undertaken at the property
during 1941. Comparatively small quantities of woifrarnite concentrates were
produced by James Keeth and the Industrial Tungsten Corporation from properties
near Fruitland, Stevens County.


 Domestic supplies of tungsten are inadequate for requirements, and the United
States imports both tungsten concentrates and products,
15Figures on Imports and exports compiled by M. B. Price, of the Bureau of
Mines, from records of the Department of Commerce.