E. A. Kinkle recovered a small quantity of gold by using a dry-land plant.
The same two operators also worked the Rose property.
 Humbug district —Von der Hellen & Webber operated a dragline dredge,
which had a dragline excavator with a 2-cubic yard bucket, on Humbug Creek
from January 1 to October 1, 1941.
 Kiamath River district.—Merriam Mining Merger worked the Buzzard Hill
mine from May 20 to December 31, 1941; gold ore was crushed to minus-3~-inch
and given a cyanide leach. The Northern Dredging Co. operated a dragline
dredge on the Allen and the Collins properties from January to May, when
the company was dissolved; the company dragline excavator used a 2-cubic
yard bucket. The Thompson Dredge, which changed its name to Shasta Dredging
Co November 27, 1941, operated its dragline dredge on Brasswire Gulch 1 mile
southwest of Hornbrook from May 12 to August 16, after moving the equipment
from the Jenny Lind district in Calaveras County; the dragline excavator
used a 2 ~-cubic yard bucket. Larson Bros. & Harms Bros. operated three
dragline dredges throughout 1941; two of the dragline excavators used 5-cubic
yard buckets and the other a 3-cubic yard bucket The William von der Hellen
Mining Co operated a dragline dredge with a dragline excavator, using a 2
s-cubic yard bucket; 6,113 ounces of gold and 928 ounces of silver were recovered
from 773,700 cubic yards of grave'. McQueen & Downing operated a dr'Lgline
dredge on the Neville and Silv'i properties H Bauman operated a nonfloating
washing plant, to which gravel was delivered by mechanical means, on the
Surveyor's Mistake mine on Yesa Creek during 1941. The Yreka Cold Dredging
Co. operated a connected-bucket dredge with sixty-seven 6-cubic foot buckets
in Seiad Valley.
 Liberty districL—Lessees hydraulicked 27,900 cubic yards of gravel
at the Joubert mine a.nd recovered 385 ounces of gold and 58 ounces of silver,
in 1941. The Midland Co., Inc., operated a dragline dredge, which had a dragline
excavator with a 1 3~-cubic yard bucket, on the North Fork of Salmon River
throughout the year; 1,950 ounces of gold and 284 ounces of silver were recovered
from 350,000 cubic yards of gravel.
 Quartz Valley (Oro Fino, Indian Creek) district .—The Beiwer Dredging
Co. worked a dragline dredge, using a dragline excavator with a
5-cubic yard bucket, on Indian Creek 6 miles west of Fort Jones from
April 16 to December 31, 1941.
 Salmon River district.—The Salmon River Gold Dredging Co. operated
a dragline dredge, using a dragline excavator with a 3-cubic yard bucket,
on several properties in the Salmon River district during
Scott Bar district.—The Quartz Hill lode mine was operated in 1941.


 Knights Ferry district.—C. F. Vanciel operated a dragline dredge,
employing a dragline excavator with a 1 ~-cubic yard bucket, on the Anderson,
Higginbotham, and Kaasa property from May 13 until December 31, 1941; 2,198
ounces of gold and 179 ounces of silver were recovered from 628,400 cubic
yards of gravel. The Placer Properties Co. operated a dragline dredge, using
a dragline excavator with a 6-cubic yard bucket, on Stanislaus River 8 miles
east of Oakdale throughout 1941.