flotation; the amalgamation bullion contained 1,465 ounces of gold and 313
ounces of silver, and the flotation concentrates shipped to a smelter contained
7,507 ounces of gold, 1,802 ounces of silver, and 2,770 pounds of copper.
This company also produced a small quantity of gold at the Evans and French
properties. Golden Quail, Inc., treated 4,200 tons of ore from the Quail
mine in a 50-ton amalgamationflotation mill; amalgamation bullion contained
57 ounces of gold and 10 ounces of silver, and 49 tons of concentrates shipped
to a smelter contained 217 ounces of gold, 151 ounces of silver, and 103
pounds of copper. The Golden Quail, Inc., lease was returned to the Quail
Mining Co. in December, 1941. The Barker Corporation did dragline dredging
on the Adams, Explorers, Inc., Munn, Penrose, R. Williams, and Stratton properties.


 Humer Valley districL—The Thurman & Wright dragline-dredge operations
on the Crocker-Huffman Land & Water Co. and Waltz properties extended
from Mariposa County into Merced County during part of 1941.
 Snelling districL—The Merced Dredging Co. operated an electnc connected-bucket
dredge, with sixty-two 10-cubic foot buckets, onehalf mile southeast of Snelling.
The electrjc connected-bucket dredge of Yuba Consolidated Gold Fields (Merced
Unit), equipped with seventy-two 9-cubic foot buckets, completely worked
out its property 4 miles east of Snelling by the end of 1941. The San Joaqum
Minmg Co.. operated a connected-bucket dredge, with sixty-four 10 cubic foot
buckets, 2~ miles southwest of Snelling. The Snelling Gold Dredging Co. operated
two connected-bucket dredges on Merced River between Snelling and Merced
Falls throughout 1941; one of the dredges was equipped with sixty-six and
the other with seventy-two 7-cubic foot buckets.

 Blind Sjn'ings district.—The Mineral Reduction Co. continued to operate
its custom cyanide-flotation mill throughout 1941; 65 shippers sent the plant
over 1,400 tons of ore during the year. The decline in precious-metal mining
in the area tributary to the mill resulted in plans being made to convert
it to producing other concentrates.
 Bodie district .—The Roseklip Mines Co. cyanided ore from dumps and
open.cuts at the Standard mine in a 400-ton cyanide plant during
 Chidago district.—R. G. Jones operated the Gold Crown mine from January
1 to August 16, 1941; the lease was relinquished August 29, and operations
were continued by the owner until the end of the year. The ore was shipped
to a custom cyanide mill.
 Homer (May Lundy) district.—The Log Cabin Mines Co. operated
the Log Cabin (Simpson) mine from January 1 to November 1, 1941;
17,855 tons of ore treated in a 100-ton amalgamation mill yielded
3,287 ounces of gold and 907 ounces of silver.
 Mammoth Lakes district .—The Monte Christo Mining Co. operated the
Monte Christo group from May 1 to November 1, 1941; a 30-ton flotation mill
was built during the year.