compared with 1,500 tons of lead, 4,766 ounces of silver, and 4,812 tons
of zinc in 1940.

 Mine production of lead and zinc increased substantially in Kansas in 1941.
The recoverable lead output rose from 11,927 tons in 1940 to 14,538 tons
in 1941 and zinc from 57,032 to 71,403 tons. Zinc derived from old tailings
decreased from 11 percent of the total in 1940 to 6 percent in 1941. About.
58 mines and 18 mills were operated all or part.of 1941 compared with 34
mines and 20 mills in 1940. Prices of concentrates and other general details
of mining in the TnState region are given in the pages of this chapter devoted
to Southwestern Missouri.
 Mines and mills near Baxter Springs yielded 4,734 tons of lead concentrates
and 34,533 tons of zinc concentrates in 1941. The St. Louis Smelting &
Refining Co. operated its Ballard mill continuously on ore from the Ballard,
Bailey, Clark, English "0", and Shanks mines; the mill output of both lead
and zinc concentrates increased materially over 1940. In July 1941 the~Bilharz
Mmmg Co. began milling ore from the Bilharz-Brewster mine, at which the com..
' pany had been conducting a difficult acid-water fight to unwater lower
levels and reopen old ground; the company mill also continued to treat ore
from the L. D. Brewster mine in Oklahoma. The Madison Mining Co. operated
the Peru (old Sunflower) mine and mill steadily. The Lula Bell Mining Co.
worked the Opperman mine, treating the ore in the company mill near Hockerville,
Okla. Ore from the Robob and Oldham mines was shipped to the Central and
Guaranty mills, respectively, in Oklahoma. The Wade custom mill treated 26,222
tons of ore received from small-scale operators in Kansas and Oklahoma.
 Productioi~ from the Blue Mound-Treece area was 13,939 tons of galena and
87,920 tons of blende. The Eagle-Picher Mining & S~elt.ii.g.C!.~...Qperai.ed.its.Westside-BarJr.
and Webber mines and mills continuously; production of zinc from the Westside-Barr
m.ine showed a large increase over 1940 and was the highest in the Tn-State
district for a single mine. The Federal Mining & Smelting Co. ran its
Muncie mill on ore from the Muncie-Tar Creek-Semple Group; the ore from the
Federal Jarrett mine was sent to the company Gordon central mifi in Oklahoma.
Kansas Explorations, Inc., operated its Jarrett lease and mill northeast
of the Federal Jarrett from January to November. Ore from the Cherokee mine
was shipped to the Woodchuck mill in Oklahoma. The Youngman mill handled
tailings until July and was then dismantled and moved to the Robinson mine
(operated by the Harris Mining Co.), where it was rebuilt for liandlmg mine
"dirt" and operated the rest of the year on ore from the Robinson mine, which
had been shipping to the Beck mill at Picher, Okla. Ore from the Bendelari,
Black Eagle, Big John, Chubb, Wilbur, and Wright mines was shipped to the
Central mill at Cardin, Okla. The Dines Mining Co. mill treated company and
custom ore, mostly from the Lindsey, Northern, and Southern mines. The New
Blue Mound Mining Co., J. A. Worley,, and the Pilot Oil Co. also operated
mine mills. Operators of tailing mills in Kansas were the Captain Milling
(Jo., C. Y. Semple, and H. D. Youngman.