California district (Hilltop) .—Lessees operated the Columbia and
Hilltop mines in 1941 and shipped silver-lead ore to the smelter at El Paso,
 Gochise distriet.—Approximately 900 tons of copper ore were produced
in 1941 from the old Republic mine near Dragoon.
 Dos ~abezas and Tens district.—The Dives property, operated by the
Santa Maria Mining Corporation, was the chief producer in the Dos Cábezas
and Tevis district in 1941; about 700 tons of crude gold ore were shipped
to a smelter Other producers of gold ore included the Gold Prince and Gold
Spot properties.
 Hartford (Huachuca Mountains) district.—Nearly all the output in the
Hartford district in 1941 was silver-lead ore from the Arnustice group near
 Kimball (Peloncillo) district.—Sm.all lots of copper ore were produced
in 1941 from the Quien Sabe and Willie Rose claims near San Simon.
 Swisshelm district (Elfrida).—The metal output of the Swisshelm district
was much greater.in 1941 than in 1940, owing to the marked increase in shipments
of silver-lead ore from the Scribner mine; lessees shipped about 3,000 tons
of ore to El Paso, Tex. Silver-lead ore was produced also from the Chance,
Juan Lares, and NO Name No. 1 properties.
 Tombstone district.—Gold-silver ore and silver-lead ore from the Tombstone
Development property continued in 1941 tobe the most important output in
the Tombstone district; however, production declined to 4,180 tons in 1941.
The remainder of the district output was mainly silver-lead ore from the
Tombstone Extension mine and silver ore from the Manganese Silver and South
Bonanza properties.
 Turquoise district (Courtland, Pearce, Gleeson).—About 700 tons of
lead ore and 200 tons of zinc-lead ore were produced in 1941 from the Defiance
mine and 333 tons of gold-silver ore from the Commonwealth mine. The rest
of the district output was chiefly lead ore from the No Account group.
 Warren district (Bisbee, Warren) .—The value of the metal output of
the Warren district in 1941 increased nearly 7 percent over 1940. Crude copper
ore (1,080,969 tons) from the Copper Queen branch of the Phelps Dodge Corporation
was again the principal output; the property remained the largest producer
of gold and silver in the State and ranked second in copper.
 The Bi~bee mines of the Copper Queen branch of the Phelps Dodge Corporation
produced 836,248 tons of ore from the Limestone area, according to the annual
report of the corporation for 1941. Operations were conducted virtually at
capacity throughout the year; shipments of siliceous flux to the Douglas
smelter from the Southeast Extension porphyry ore body totaled 214,075 tons;
lease operations produced 30,646 tons of copper ore; and shipments of copper
precipitates from surface and underground plants aggregated 807 tons. The
advance in exploration, development, and stope preparation totaled 65,238
feet; in addition, 15,824 feet of diamond drilling were done. The total footage
driven for exploration and development was less than in 1940, but satisfactory
results were obtained in maintaining ore reserves. At the end of August a
very heavy flow of water, which flooded the mine up to the 2,433 level, was
encountered eastr of the Campbell fault on the 2,700 level. Large sinking
pumps were in-