company report states that, despite a vigorous exploration campaign for more
than 2 years, ore developments had been unfavorable and the operation remained
unprofitable under the prevailing prices for copper.
 Greenville (Crescent Mills) district.—Cherokee Mine operated the Cherokee
mine throughout 1941; 26,344 tons of ore were treated in the company 150-ton
cyanidation-flotation mill, and 127 tons of resultmg concentrates were shipped
to a custom cyanide plant. In all, 5,627 ounces of gold and 1,726 ounces
of silver were recovered.
 Johnsville district.—Iii 1941 lessees and sublessees on the Jamison
mine treated 489 tons of ore and 401 tons of old tailings by amalgamation
and concentration and shipped 112 tons of ore and 3 tons of concentrates
to a smelter; amalgamation bullion contained 103 ounces of gold and 13 ounces
of silver; ore smelted contained 144 ounces of gold and 38 ounces of silver;
and concentrates smelted contained 11 ounces of gold. and 3 ounces of silver.
The Lobicasa Co. operated a dragime dredge on Jamison Creek from August 20
to December 24.
 Lights Canyon district.—A. B. Innis operated a dragline dredge, equipped
with a dragline excavator having a 1 s-cubic yard bucket, on Lights Creek
from January 1 to September 22, 1941; 1,653 ounces of gold and 130 ounces
of silver were recovered from 250,000 cubic yards of gravel.
 Q'uincy district.—Baker and McOowan operated a draglme dredge, using
a dragline excavator with a 1~-cubic yard bucket, in Meadow Valley during
 Rich Bar district.—The Virgiia Mining Corporation operated the Ohio
Point mine during 1941; the ore was treated in the company 240-ton flotation
mill, and the concentrates were shipped to a smelter.


 Dale district.—D. M. Campbell and sublessees shipped 344 tons of ore
from the Los Angeles mine to a custom cyanide plant in 1941; 25T ~ ~f ~ Old
~üd3 o ~aof ~ilverw~r~ r~vored. Gold ore from the Mission mine was shipped
to the.Gold Crown custom cyanide plant.
 Eagle Mountain disirict.—-Imperial Metals, Inc., suspended operations
at the Black Eagle mine early in 1941; substantial shipments of argentiferous
lead ore were made to a smelter.


 Gosumnes River district.—Hoosier Gulch Placers operated boat No. ion
the Biggs ranch and boat No. 2 on the Rossi property throughout 1941. Cosumiies
Gold Dredging Co. operated an electric connected-bucket dredge with sixty-three
12.cubic foot buckets 7 miles southwest of Sloughhouse. McQueen & Downing
operated a dragline dredge on Deer Creek from January 1 to February 14. The
Humphreys Gold Corporation operated a nonfloatmg washing plant, which was
converted to a dragline dredge, on the Fassett-ParkerHanlon and Hutchinson
properties. F. 0. Bohnett also operated on the Hutchii'son property. At the
3nd of 1941 the Humphreys Gold Oorporation equipment consisted of five dragline
excavators, each with a 2~-cubic yard bucket—three for stripping and
two for delivering gravel to two washing plants. An average of 18 feet of