FIGURE 1.—Occurrence of minerals of the sillimanite group in the United

 Andalusite is mined on Wiute Mountain, Mono County, Calif ,' by Champion
Sillimanite, Inc., Merced. The same firm—only domestic producer of
either mineral in 1941—also ships dumortierite from its mine at Oreana,
Pershing County, Nev, to the parent firm—Champion Spark Plug Co., Detroit,
Mich.—which uses both materials in sparkplug cores and other electrical
 Celo Mines, pioneer producer of kyanite at Burnsville, N. C., suspended
operations temporarily in 1941 but reopened later in the year as Mas-Celo
Mines, Inc., subsidiary of Munn & Steel, Inc., 130 Lister Avenue, Newark,
N. J.
 One of the largest kyanite deposits in the United States is on Baker Mountain
in Prince Edward County, Va., near Pamplin and about 20 miles from Farmville
As stated in several recent publicitions,4 the kyanite occurs there in a
quartzite schist as abundant
massive kyanite-quartzite bodies with impurities such as rutile, hematite,
pyrite, and quartz. To remove the impurities the quarried product is ground
to at least 35-mesh and processed by flotation and magnetic separation, yielding
a 93-percent kyanite concentrate which may be washed in acid to give an even
purer product (0.32 percent Fe2O3).
 A digest follows of a report by R. B. Heuer, chairman of the Nonmetals Group
of the National Academy of Sciences Advisory Committee on Metals and Minerals,
to the Office of Production Management in late 1941:
 The metallurgical industries account for about 50 percent of the total kyanite
refractories used in the United States. Kyanite or other superrefradtories
(alumina, spinel, fused aluminosilicate, chrome, etc.) are not really needed
in brass melting except for high-melting alloys, less than 25 percent of
the total

 ' Hubbell, A. H., Preparing Baker Mountain Kyanite for Market: Eng. and
Mi Jour., vol. 142, No. 10, October 1941, pp. 53-55.
 Sawyer, J. P., and Whittemore, ~. w., The Development of a Refractory Aggregate
from Virginia Kyanite: Bull. Virginia Polytech. Inst., Eng. Exp. Sta. Ser.
49, November 1941, pp. 5—36.
 Anderson, C. E., Electricity Furnishes Power for Kyanite Production in Virginia:
Southern Power and Industry, vol. 58, No. 10, 1940, pp. 76-79; Ceram. Abs.,
vol. 20, No.6, June 1941, p. 145.